The three theoretical models used to explain and treat eating disorders are the biomedical model, the psychological model, and the third model which says eating disorders are “gendered.” The biomedical model is tends to be very one-sided offering only physiological causes and potentially harmful treatments. It disregards societal and cultural factors that also may cause eating disorders. The psychological model is more multi-faceted asserting that eating disorders are “multidimensional disorders.” Although treatment has been found to be useful, it also ignores certain societal and cultural causes of eating disorders like the biomedical model. The third model which is feminist-based focuses on how the societal issue of sexism could relate to eating disorders. This model asserts that “thinness is a culturally, socially, and economically enforced requirement for female beauty.”
Class standing is also a factor in eating disorders. Some are intertwined with race as well. As different races began to become “mobile,” it became important to be like the white women and be thin. Even though, in many cultures like the Puerto Rican culture being thin is a sign of malnutrition or illness, in America it is the image of the rich white women. Since people who come to America seek the American dream, part of achieving it now is to not only play the part but to look the part as well. By Nicole
Good point about coming to America and living the “American Dream”. This means the good and the bad parts of the dream.
I agree the american dream isn’t perfect…