
I am not always comfortable about blowing my own horn, but here goes.

I have superior writing skills in both fiction and non-fiction. I am also skilled in public speaking. My first public speaking competition was in grade 8 and I won. In high school and university, I was in the Debate Club. I have also taught Public Speaking and Presentation Skills to my students. My speaking ability was helped by studying voice in high school. I enjoy singing and I have been told that my voice is pleasing. I also enjoy storytelling. I used to go into my sons’ classroom when they were children and telling a new story (or a new chapter) every week. At the end, I would write down the story and give each child a copy.

After almost thirty years in education, I think my people skills are strong. As a dorm parent and teacher for twenty-five years, I learned how to work with adolescents: calming them down, encouraging them to do their best, and reining them in when they went over the line. As Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee, I was fair, firm, and ‘read them the Riot Act’ when the occasion called for it. With very few exceptions, I have gotten along with my colleagues and always maintained a professional attitude.

While I do not consider myself very dexterous, I enjoy crocheting. I make baby blankets for friends and family. I cannot do elaborate crochet like shells or granny squares – I just do single chain and use lots of colorful yarn.

Reading this over, it sounds very arrogant. On the other hand, at sixty-one, it is nice to realize that I have accomplished a few things!

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