Discussion Post

Apollo 11 Moon Landing

A time when teamwork was a catalyst for success was the Apollo 11 moon landing. It took a team of people to strategically determine all of the technicalities needed for a successful mission. Many minds are essential to iron out any potential issues that could have been perceived by one person but not another. I feel that in this instance there are various teams needed for each aspect of the mission. For example, a team was needed to plan and construct the spacecraft itself but also a brave team needed to board the spaceship and face the world of the unknown. Truth is, teamwork takes bravery and a bit of risk taking. A situation may not go right every time but the challenges that come with teamwork and projects can help improve our character or accelerate advancement of the task at hand. Issues have been seen with space exploration in abundance such as the devastating incident of the Challenger shuttle. Galactic exploration is a prime example of how teamwork should not be shied away from due to the potential failures or challenges that can arise. Instead, teamwork can be viewed as an opportunity to flourish and advance.


Article about Apollo 11- https://www.britannica.com/topic/Apollo-11

Article about NASA and Teamwork-https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03222-3

  • A fascinating conclusion from this article regarding scientific discovery is “conclusions about the very nature of scientific discovery — what gets found — and how, depends on the ways in which scientists collaborate.” This again emphasizes the importance of collaboration, which is a goal for our projects as well.