About Me

Hey, there!

My name is Liliana Hess and this is my first time making a blog page! For starters, I am a college student, attending Berkshire Community College. It’s my first year in college and I graduated from Taconic High School back in June of 2021. I am currently taking three classes for my first semester at BCC: Intro to Liberal Arts, English, and Drawing. My career choices have changed drastically throughout the last five years in my life. I wanted to be a photographer, an artist, a journalist, author, interior designer, etc. All of my career interests seemed all over the place! So since they all include something about art, and since I am good at art, I chose to major in Fine Arts. That might change though, since I’m not 100% sure what I want to do or be after college. I’m sort of just going with the flow of life, letting different opportunities take me on whichever path I end up on, whether it’s fate or not.

Some personal facts about me that I would like to share:

  • I was born and raised in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
  • I am the oldest child in my family; I have two younger siblings.
  • My favorite food is chicken and tacos because there’s so much you can do with those.
  • I love art – I like to paint, even though I haven’t done that in a while. Drawing with pencil or charcoal is more of my thing.
  • I love listening to music.
  • Lastly, I want to travel the world some day!