Spanish Table ~ Mesa de español: Wednesday and Thursday of THIS WEEK: 10/9-10/10/13!

Spanish Table ~ MESA DE ESPAÑOL

¡Nos vemos hoy y mañana!

Today and tomorrow!  October 9-10, Wednesday and Thursday from 12:10pm until around 1pm,G9 (Wednesday); Falcon’s Nest (Thursday)

Next month, Spanish Table meets on November 13-14

Remember: Students are required to attend three (out of eight) Spanish Table events at lunchtime in BCC’s Cafeteria (for at least half hour each time).  Spanish Table meets one Wednesday and one Thursday each month from 12:10pm until around 1pm.   (This is one of the many elements that count for students’ participation grade (20%) in the class.

Students are encouraged to bring English or Spanish native speakers to enjoy conversation about Latino music, films, dance, politics… and to meet new friends.  Bring your laptop if you want to share for favorite music and YouTube videos on countries you are interested in learning about.

“La Camioneta,” moving documentary from Guatemala at Berkshire Museum’s Little Cinema

The Little Cinema at the Berkshire Museum is showing a feature film, “La Camioneta,” Friday, September 13th until September 16th, at 7pm.  There is a 2pm showing on Monday, September 16th.  “La Camioneta” is a New York Times “critics’ pic,” a worthwhile film to see!

Read the New York Times review at this link:

Every day dozens of decommissioned school buses leave the United States on a southward migration that carries them to Guatemala, where they are repaired, repainted, and resurrected as the brightly colored camionetas that bring the vast majority of Guatemalans to work each day. La Camioneta follows one such bus on its transformative journey: a journey between North and South, between life and death, and through an unfolding collection of moments, people, and places that serve to quietly remind us of the interconnected worlds in which we live.

Directed by Mark Kendall

Spanish with English subtitles

Profe’s students can earn bonus points for attending this film.  (Bring her your ticket stub as proof of attendance!)

Ch 1 PowerPoints…Spanish Table…Festival Latino!

September Spanish Table: today, in Cafeteria G-9!

Remember!  You must attend THREE out of EIGHT Spanish Tables this Fall…!

Bring Spanish-speaking friends and those who want to learn!

Bring your laptop, and we’ll play your favorite LATINO MUSIC!

 Festival Latino 2012 in Lee, this Saturday, September 22!

Come to Festival Latino, this Saturday! Make photos of yourself enjoying the festival and send them to Profe! Bring *FRIENDS*!

For more information, click here:  >>> 

Remember:  You earn bonus points for attending!  Send Profe a photo of you at the festival!


Presentaciones para el capítulo 1:

Patrick Meunier created this presentation to help you learn how to introduce people to one another.

Apuntes de Profe del capítulo 8

Aquí tienes la presentación de mis apuntes para el capítulo 8. Si tienes preguntas, escríbeme un correo electrónico.

Si quieres bajarlo (download) a tu computadora, haz clic sobre este enlace >>>¡Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 8!

Si quieres ver la presentación en una pantalla más grande, haz clic en este enlace >>> apuntes de profe del capítulo 8

IMPORTANTE: When you have viewed/used this presentation, leave a comment in the reply window, below.

You will earn one homework point for posting; two for using four elements of vocabulary or grammar from the presentation correctly; three points for six elements used correctly; five points for eight or more correctly used elements of vocabulary or grammar.

¡OJO! Students who post comments like “Profe, es una presentación muy útil” will receive NO extra credit. Use this as an opportunity to study and practice what you’ve learned…and to SHOW IT ALL OFF! 🙂

If you’ve accessed this page from “BCC Breaking News and Posts,” click on the title of this post (“Apuntes de Profe…”), above, to take you to the window that does have a reply window.

Horario de FRED ~ Primavera 2012

¡ Bienvenido a la página del Laboratorio de lenguas de BCC: “FRED” !

Spanish students at BCC must spend one hour a week in FRED working on collaborative projects, recording audio or video voicethread projects, making PowerPoint learning games or flashcards, or doing online homework.

We encourage you to come work or hang out in FRED in between classes. You will find you learn so much more if you set out small learning tasks for yourself that you can accomplish in small blocks of time.

Make certain to sign in when you arrive so that you earn credit for your time in the lab.

Have you not started attending FRED for an hour a week, yet, this semester!  Start this WEEK! Remember:  Every hour you spend in FRED improves both your performance and your grade!  😀

Click on the image, below, for FRED hour with FRED Facilitator’s schedules.

Download the FRED Scheule by clicking here: >>>FRED Schedule-Spring 2012


Leave a message, below, telling us which activities and resources you would like to see in FRED!

Join us at “La Fogata” Friday, December 16th, 1pm, to celebrate the end of the semester!

BCC’s Spanish Program end-of-semester tradition *CONTINUES* !!

Join us Friday, December 16th, at 1pm for a wonderful Colombian meal

at La Fogata.

Current, past and future Spanish students and Spanish speakers are invited to join us! (Bring friends!)

Send Profe an email to let her know if you plan to come:

Here are photos from our celebration from May 2011! Recognize any friends? 😀

Click HERE to see the menu and a video taken at La Fogata.

La Fogata ~ 770 Tyler Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201

SPA 201 ~ Enlaces para la guía del examen final y para la lista de elementos requistos para tu blog

Haz clic en este enlace para obtener una lista de todos los elementos requisitos (y opcionales) para tu blog…

Click on ME to download a copy of the Blog Checklist for 201!

(Este enlace se encuentra, también, en la pestaña (tab):  “Los blogs de nuestros estudiantes”.)



Haz clic en este enlace para obtener una copia de la guía para prepararte para el examen final:

¡ Haz CLIC aquí !
(Este enlace se encuentra en la pestaña de “Apuntes de Profe”.  La contraseña (password) de esta página es:  burrito lindo.)

Caja de juguetes ~ ¡Presentación para ayudarte a prepararte para el examen final!

Patrick “Maximiliano” Meunier has created this AWESOME presentation to help you study for the final exam and put in a BRILLIANT performance on that test!  USE this presentation to help you review.  ¿Tienes preguntas?  ¡Ven a verme!  (Come see me!)

Want a copy of this presentation for your own computer? (It works even better on your own computer than online!) Click HERE to download this presentation to your own computer!

SPA 201-Voicethread del capítulo 12: ¿Qué síntomas tienes?


Aquí tienes el Voicethread del capítulo 12: ¿Qué síntomas tienes?

Entrégame por correo electrónico el borrador de tu guión (script) de tu tercer Voicethread para miércoles, el 8 de noviembre. En cuánto recibas mis correcciones y comentarios, puedes grabar tu Voicethread. De todas formas, tienes que grabarlo para viernes, el 18 de noviembre, antes de las 5pm.

Yo tengo un amigo hipocondríaco, también. Voy a repetirle los consejos que tú le darás a tu amigo hipocondríaco porque ¡nunca sé qué decirle! Espero que te guste este proyecto… ¡Diviértete mucho!

Puedes descargar la presentación PowerPoint del proyecto. Es posible que sea más fácil leer las instrucciones en la versión descargada (downloaded). >>>SPA 201-Voicethread #3 – Capítulo 12

Come to Spanish Table! ~ ¡Ven a la mesa de español!

Meet friends and practice your Spanish!

Bring any friends you know who would like to have the chance to practice speaking Spanish and to make friends with native Spanish speakers on campus.  Do you have Spanish-speaking friends?  Invite them!  Tell them that La Mesa de español is a great place to connect, make friends, share what they know about their native cultures, music, favorite foods…

By the way:  Alex Muñoz and Lina Silva, our FRED Facilitators from Colombia, reminded me to remind you that you can come to FRED during their hours to practice speaking!  (Click on this link to access the FRED Facilitator Schedule:

Remember:  En FRED, ¡se habla español! … 😀

SPA 101 ~ Voicethread del capítulo 3

Here is the Voicethread for Chapter 3.

Please submit the first draft of the script for your voicethread for chapter 3 by Tuesday, November 1, 2011. Please email it to me before 5pm! I will make corrections and email it back to you. You must record your Chapter 3 Voicethread by Tuesday, November 7th. Need HELP? Contact Profe!

Click on this link to download the assignment: >>> Sp 101-Voicethread Project #3 -Script due: 10.31.11; VT Posted by: 11.7.11

SPA 101 ~ Voicethread Project #2 ~ Draft of script due Friday, October 14th, 5pm… Read on for details…!

You can view the  SPA 101 Voicethread assignment for chapter 2 on your “MyVoice” tab at   Click on this link to access the updated Voicethread #2 Project:

Here is the assignment.

Important: You must go to or to the Voicethread tab for SPA 101 on our Spanish Program Wikiblog to view my comments and my audio/video samples.  There is a special surprise on my Voicethread presentation.  Don’t miss seeing it!  😎

Scroll down until you see Voicethread Project #2 for Chapter 2:

Want to see how other SPA 101 students have done on this assignment?  Check out the Voicethread for Chapter 2 that last year’s SPA 101 students created at:

Did you know you can record your voicethread directly from that Voicethread page for SPA 101, right on the blog?  Click on “Comment” to make your recording choices (audio or video recording) appear.

Let Profe know how you’re doing… If you have not already had your voicethread script corrected, send your script to Profe as soon as possible, and she will provide you with corrections.  Learn your corrected script and record it onto this voicethread page.

Remember:  No reading your script!  You can refer to a list of palabras claves (key words) to help you remember what you wanted to say…

Profe will be randomly calling on students in class to reproduce some or all of their script in class… So, please DO memorize your scripts!  😎

Remember, too:  You can record your voicethread as many times as you wish…until you are satisfied with your recording.  Recording and re-recording is terrific practice, as well!  And, recording multiple times will help your remember your script!

Keep in touch; ask for help if you need it!

Profe      😎


Nuevos videos en la página “Música en español”…

The “Música en español” page has been updated… Check out the music…!

Also:  Remember, that you can get a bonus point for posting on the “Música en español” page the titles of tracks and names of artists you would like to see on this page…

If we can find the tracks on or, we’ll post your favorite music!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

If the playlist does not display, is probably updating the site. ¡No te preocupes! (Don’t worry!) Vuelve, pronto, otra vez… (Come back, again, soon!)

Check out the next two videos, suggested by Sarah Morley (Leandra):

For the lyrics, click on this link:

For the lyrics, click on this link:

FRED Schedule for Fall 2011 has been posted to the blog…

¡ Bienvenido a la página del Laboratorio de lenguas de BCC: “FRED” !

Spanish students at BCC must spend one hour a week in FRED working on collaborative projects, recording audio or video voicethread projects, making PowerPoint learning games or flashcards, or doing online homework.

We encourage you to come work or hang out in FRED in between classes. You will find you learn so much more if you set out small learning tasks for yourself that you can accomplish in small blocks of time.

Make certain to sign in when you arrive so that you earn credit for your time in the lab.

Find this information online, under the “FRED ~ Laboratorio de lenguas” tab or at this link:

Click on the image, below, for FRED hour with FRED Facilitator’s schedules.


Download the FRED Scheule by clicking here: >>>FRED Schedule ~ Fall 2011

Study Groups meet at the times, below.

I you have not yet joined a study group, do so THIS WEEK! Don’t put this off! You’ll notice how much progress you make when you study with classmates (and BUDs!) …

Mondays: 8am

Wednesdays: 10am

Tuesdays: noon

Thursdays: noon

Thursdays: 3:20p

Leave a message, below, telling us which activities and resources you would like to see in FRED!

Join us for our traditional end-of-year lunch at La Fogata, Thursday, May 19th, 1pm!

¡Vaya, Colombia!

¡Vaya, Colombia!

Present and past Spanish students and any hispanohablantes in the BCC community

are invited to join us for

a wonderful Colombian meal.

Check out this website for La Fogata. See the menu and a video taken in the restaurant.

La Fogata ~ 770 Tyler Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201

I M P O R T A N T: RSVP by contacting Profe: (413.236.4615) by Thursday morning, 11am. You may also RSVP by posting on this page, below!

¡Bienvenidos a la página de aprendizaje del español de BCC! Welcome to BCC’s Spanish Language Learning Page!

You will be able to find syllabi for language courses at BCC, as well as learning tools and resources.

Check out the language learning archives here to help you study and to stimulate your curiosity!  The learning archives store instructors’ and past and present students’ PowerPoint presentations, videos, voicethreads, xtranormal cartoons, and articles on cultural and grammatical topics.  You will have the opportunity to create materials of your own to post for other Spanish students to use.

Also: Check out other BCC Blogs at: Your New Edublogs Campus Site.