SPA 201 ~ Voicethread #2

¡Hola! Abajo, verás el Voicethread del capítulo 11: ¿Qué quieres ver?

Entrégame por correo electrónico el borrador de tu guión (script) de tu segundo Voicethread para lunes, el 24 de octubre. En cuánto recibas mis correcciones y comentarios, puedes grabar tu Voicethread. De todas formas, tienes que grabarlo para viernes, el 28 de octubre, antes de las 5pm. A mí me ENCANTA el cine… Y a ti, también, ¿no? Espero que te guste este proyecto… ¡Diviértete mucho!

Puedes descargar la presentación PowerPoint del proyecto.  Es posible que sea más fácil leer las instrucciones en la versión descargada (downloaded).  Si necesitas ayuda, ven a verme en la oficina o escríbeme un correo electrónico o llámame por teléfono.

>>>Haz clic sobre este enlace:SPA 201 – Voicethread #2 – Capítulo 11

Sp 201 ~ Proyectos de Voicethread ~ Fall 2010

¡Hola a todos!


Below, you will find the links you need to follow to gain access to our first Voicethread Project. It is based on the work you have already done on the theme of “Mi restaurante favorito” and on the Spanish Proficiency Videos you studied on your own in these last weeks.

Voicethreads are due: Tuesday, September 28th, 5pm.

Once you have completed this Voicethread activity, you will have shown how well you have achieved your BATs (Be Able To’s) for chapter 9 . The first slide shows the first page of the document that accompanies the videos you studied to help train your ear and to help you learn related vocabulary and grammar. On this page, you will see me explaining the assignment in Spanish. The next page contains a video that is a good example of the kind of recording you should aim to produce.

Important: You MAY NOT read the text you prepared on the theme of “Mi Restaurante favorito.” You May use a bullet list with key words (palabras clave) to help you remember what you want to say.

You will have as many chances as you wish to record your Voicethread audio/video.

You will see next to your name, once you have logged in, a little trash can icon. If you are not satisfied with your recording, you can “throw your recording in the trash” and start again!

If you do not yet have a webcam or a microphone on your own computer, use the computers in FRED. All have microphones installed.

Note, too, that on some computers, voicethread videos do not play (the screen goes grey) on Internet Explorer. Should this happen, try to view the voicethread with Mozilla Firefox. I have had no trouble with videos on my Mac using Safari. Please post to this page any problems you are having with any of this technology. Sign your name, please!

To actually WORK with this voicethread and add your own audio and/or video, you must:

  • First, get your own voicethread account by subscribing at:

Click here to record your Chapter 9 Voicethread !! 🙂

    ¡Estoy ansiosa de ver sus videos! (I can’t wait…!)Voicethreads are due: Tuesday, September 28th, 5pm.

    Here is the voicethread you have created! I believe this link is “hot,” meaning: the voicethread you see here updates more or less automatically. Check it out!

Below, you will find the SECOND voicethread (for capítulo 10):

I have changed the DUE DATE: Submit your guión via email no later than Thursday, October 28th.

You will receive corrections in class on Friday, October 29. Then, you will have until Tuesday, November 2nd to record your voicethreads.

Click on the following link to view the voicethread on that site. (On, you can enlarge the presentation for a full-screen view.)

Voicethread #2 on the http:/ site

Below, you will find the FINAL voicethread of the Fall 2010:

View this voicethread on the voicethread site at: Click here to see your FINAL voicethread of Fall 2010