SPA 201 ~ Voicethread #2

¡Hola! Abajo, verás el Voicethread del capítulo 11: ¿Qué quieres ver?

Entrégame por correo electrónico el borrador de tu guión (script) de tu segundo Voicethread para lunes, el 24 de octubre. En cuánto recibas mis correcciones y comentarios, puedes grabar tu Voicethread. De todas formas, tienes que grabarlo para viernes, el 28 de octubre, antes de las 5pm. A mí me ENCANTA el cine… Y a ti, también, ¿no? Espero que te guste este proyecto… ¡Diviértete mucho!

Puedes descargar la presentación PowerPoint del proyecto.  Es posible que sea más fácil leer las instrucciones en la versión descargada (downloaded).  Si necesitas ayuda, ven a verme en la oficina o escríbeme un correo electrónico o llámame por teléfono.

>>>Haz clic sobre este enlace:SPA 201 – Voicethread #2 – Capítulo 11

Telling Time ~ Timed Practice

Use this presentation to help you gain fluency in telling time. These slides are TIMEDAt first, you will think to yourself:  “Wow!  This is going really fast!  I’ll never be able to recognize the hour and remember how to say it in Spanish at this speed…!”  But, YES YOU CAN!  YES YOU WILL!  Use these slides to get you there… 😎

Timed Practice for Telling Time in Spanish

GUSTAR y Verbos -AR en el presente del indicativo

Aquí está una presentación de GREG ALEXANDER que te ayudará (will help you) a aprender cómo usar el verbo GUSTAR y los verbos que terminan por -AR.  Es una presentación muy útil… :-

Haz clic aquí para descargar (download) esta presentación a tu computadora >>>GUSTAR y VERBOS -AR (en el presente del indicativo)

Join us for our traditional end-of-year lunch at La Fogata, Thursday, May 19th, 1pm!

¡Vaya, Colombia!

¡Vaya, Colombia!

Present and past Spanish students and any hispanohablantes in the BCC community

are invited to join us for

a wonderful Colombian meal.

Check out this website for La Fogata. See the menu and a video taken in the restaurant.

La Fogata ~ 770 Tyler Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201

I M P O R T A N T: RSVP by contacting Profe: (413.236.4615) by Thursday morning, 11am. You may also RSVP by posting on this page, below!

La Receta ~ Repochetas …

Aprende a hacer las repochetas…y practica los mandatos (informales, afirmativos) y las expresiones impersonales con “se”

Mira esta presentación para aprender a hacer repochetas, un plato colombiano/salvadoreño riquísimo… Puedes repasar cómo formar los mandatos informales (afirmativos) y también puedes aprender a cambiarlos en expresiones impersonales (con SE). Puedes bajar (download) la presentación a tu computadora si haces clic en este enlace: >>> Las repochetas ~ la receta (mandatos informales afirmativos/expresiones impersonales con SE)

Los Ingredientes que necesitas para hacer repochetas

Students from the Hospitality and Culinary section of Spanish in the Workplace (SPA 131.02) will be preparing repochetas in the BCC kitchen with a team of native Spanish speakers on May 12, 2011. In order to be able to communicate well in Spanish in the kitchen and to speak about the ingredients they use to create this meal, they will have to study the slides in the presentation, below. YOU can learn this vocabulary, as well.  Study the slides, here, or download a copy of this presentation by clicking this link: >>> Ingredientes que necesitas para hacer repochetas

Todas las presentaciones del capítulo 3

Tanya Record, FRED Facilitator, created this amazing presentation.

Some of the animations may work less well when you view the presentation on this site, depending on your browser.

For best viewing, download it to your own computer by clicking on this link >>>> La Fecha ~ Learn the vocabulary for dates!

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Use this presentation to help you learn to tell what time of day it is…FAST!

Remember: In this class, one of the things that really matters is learning to GET THE WORDS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH at a reasonable speed, close to that of a normal conversation.

This is a timed presentation, so after the first click on the second slide, you don’t have to click. Just look at the time displayed and practice telling the time.

Use full sentences, like:

  • 1:15 am: Es la una y cuarto de la mañana.
  • 2:30pm: Son las dos y media de la tarde.

Click to download this presentation to your own computer >>> Telling Time Timed Practice

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Use this wonderful PowerPoint flash card presentation authored by Tanya Record to help you learn the vocabulary for areas of study in universities.

Click to download this presentation to your own computer >>>> Capitulo 3, Campos de estudio-Tanya Record-10.18.10

Use this fabulous presentation to learn the vocabulary (and some grammar!) for places in the university…
Guess who designed it? The wonderful Tanya Record!!
View more presentations or Upload your own.

Tammy Beet created this excellent presentation to help you master the vocabulary for chapter three. View it here, but note: You may download this presentation by clicking on the link, below:

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Click there to download >>>>> Capítulo 3 – Vocabulario del capitulo 3 – Tammy Beet

¿Te gustan los programas de concursos? (Do you like game shows?)

🙂 ¡Fantástico! ¡Juguemos al Yepardí! (Let’s play “Jeopardy”!)

April Tarbox created this Jeopardy game to help you master your BATs for chapter 3… ¡Diviértete! (Have fun!)

View more presentations or Upload your own.

The links (the “back” and “home” buttons) will work only if you download this presentation to your own computer.

Click there to download >>>>> ¡Yepardi! ~ Capítulo 3

Finally, here are my notes for chapter three. Please note that this is not a polished presentation, but it WILL help you review and learn.

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Download this presentation by clicking here >>>> Apuntes de Profe ~ Capítulo 3

La Fecha ~ Vocabulary for Days, Weeks, Dates, Calendar

Tanya Record, FRED Facilitator, created this amazing presentation.

Some of the animations may work less well when you view the presentation on this site, depending on your browser.

For best viewing, download it to your own computer by clicking on the link to the right: >>>>La Fecha ~ Learn the vocabulary for dates!

View more presentations or Upload your own.

¡Yepardí! ~ Capítulo 3

¿Te gustan los programas de concursos? (Do you like game shows?)

🙂 ¡Fantástico! ¡Juguemos al Yepardí! (Let’s play “Jeopardy”!)

April Tarbox created this Jeopardy game to help you master your BATs for chapter 3… ¡Diviértete! (Have fun!)

View more presentations or Upload your own.

The links (the “back” and “home” buttons) will work only if you download this presentation to your own computer.

Click there to download >>>>> ¡Yepardi! ~ Capítulo 3

Vocabulario del capítulo 3

Tammy Beet created this excellent presentation to help you master the vocabulary for chapter three. View it here, but note: You may download this presentation by clicking on the link, below:

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Click there to download >>>>> Capítulo 3 – Vocabulario del capitulo 3 – Tammy Beet

Lugares en la universidad

Use this fabulous presentation to learn the vocabulary (and some grammar!) for places in the university…

¿Conoces todo el vocabulario para los lugares en la universidad?  Este vocabulario es útil.  Puedes hablar de tu horario en la universidad y puedes decirles adónde vas en el campus… ¡Apréndelo!  🙂  🙂  🙂

Guess who designed it? The wonderful Tanya Record!!
View more presentations or Upload your own.

¿Qué hora es? Timed practice for learning how to tell time

Use this presentation to help you learn to tell what time of day it is…FAST!

Remember: In this class, one of the things that really matters is learning to GET THE WORDS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH at a reasonable speed, close to that of a normal conversation.

This is a timed presentation, so after the first click on the second slide, you don’t have to click. Just look at the time displayed and practice telling the time.

Use full sentences, like:

  • 1:15 am: Es la una y cuarto de la mañana.
  • 2:30pm: Son las dos y media de la tarde.
View more presentations or Upload your own.

Los Campos de estudio

Use this wonderful PowerPoint flash card presentation authored by Tanya Record to help you learn the vocabulary for areas of study in universities.

¿Qué estudias tú?  ¿Te gustan las matemáticas?  ¿…los idiomas?  ¿…las ciencas?   Pues, aprende el vocabulario de lo que te interesa y de lo que estudias aquí en BCC…

Click to download this presentation to your own computer >>>> Capitulo 3, Campos de estudio-Tanya Record-10.18.10

GUSTAR y las nacionalidades

Use this PowerPoint presentation to learn how to use the verb, GUSTAR and then to practice, practice, practice! You will also find a slide to help you learn a few of the adjectives for nationality.

Click on the link below to download this file to your own computer:

Gustar y nacionalidades

We are grateful to the fabulous Tamara Beet for the production of this terrific presentation.

Sustantivos (nouns), artículos definidos e indefinidos

This is a very useful presentation to help you learn gender rules for nouns, definite and indefinite articles. Use it! You’ll like it!

Do you need help with any aspect of the chapter?  Don’t hesitate to stop by Profe’s office (M223) during office hours (MW: 12:30p-1:30p; TTh: 2:45p-3:45p).  Or, call for an appointment:  413.236.4614.  Or, email her:

Need a tutor?  See Profe and she’ll tell you how to get one!  🙂

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 1

Here is the presentation we have used in class while studying and learning the material for Chapter 1 in our textbook. Click to advance to the next image slide. Also, you can click to use slides with nouns (and articles) and those with the months of the year as flash cards. Use this presentation to review what you learned in chapter 1.

Apuntes de Profe ~ Capítulo 1 Nexos

View more presentations or Upload your own.
If you wish, download your own copy of this presentation by clicking, below:

Apuntes de Profe ~ Capítulo 1 Nexos

Artículos definidos e indefinidos

Use the PowerPoint, below, as you would use flashcards to learn the gender of lots of nouns, many of which are of a different gender than what you’d expect them to be! (Yes! Gender-bending nouns!!) You will learn both the definite and indefinite articles for these nouns, as well.

View more presentations or Upload your own.

You can download this PowerPoint by clicking on the link, below:

Tarjetas mnemotécnicas ~ ¿Masculino o feminino? ~ Artículos definitivos e indefinitivos

Thanks to Peter Loboda for turning this table into flash cards!!

Sp 102 ~ Voicethread para el capítulo 8 ~ Spring 2011

Aquí está el Voicethread para el capítulo 8.  Puedes grabar (record) tu comentario, aquí…

 Empieza a escribir tu guión para el Voicethread del capítulo 8. Vas a entregarla (hand it in) miércoles, el 6 de abril. Voy a hacer las correcciones a devolvértelo (return it to you) viernes, el 8 de abril.


 Vas a grabar (record) tu Voicethread y subirlo (upload it) para miércoles, el 13 de abril. ¡Diviértete mucho! 🙂

Sp 102 ~ Voicethread para el capítulo 6 ~ Spring 2011

Nexos Voicethreads: Each of you will produce four Voicethreads over the course of the semester. We will cover five chapters in Nexos, this semester. You will choose four out of five chapters on which to develop Voicethread scripts to record and post on our blog. The topics, vocabulary and grammar you must use in each of the Nexos Voicethreads will be posted to the blog in advance of the due date for each Voicethread.

Here is the first Voicethread of the semester. Use chapter 6 of your textbook to review the vocabulary and grammar you need to complete your Voicethread.

Write a script that responds to the requirements of the topic. Hand it in to Profe. She will correct your script so that you can learn it. Once you are confident that you are ready to record your Voicethread, go for it!

If you choose to do one of your four Voicethreads on this chapter six Voicethread topic, please hand in your script no later than Friday, February 25th. The deadline for recording this Voicethread will be the following Wednesday, March 3rd.

See your Voicethread assignment for chapter 7, below…

Note that you should email Profe the script of your Voicethread no later than Monday, March 21. She will return your work by Wednesday, March 23rd. Then, you will have a week to learn your script and to record your Voicethread. You should have your Voicethread posted no later than Monday, March 28th. If you wish to use the webcams in FRED, let Profe know so she can help set one up for you. If you have a webcam and/or microphone on your own computer, feel free to record your Voicethread from home!

¡Diviértete! 🙂

Here is the link to the Voicethread page. If the Voicethread slides are too small for you to work with here, click on this link for access to these same slides in a larger format: Find Voicethread Project #7 by clicking on this link!

Sp 201 ~ Proyectos de Voicethread ~ Fall 2010

¡Hola a todos!


Below, you will find the links you need to follow to gain access to our first Voicethread Project. It is based on the work you have already done on the theme of “Mi restaurante favorito” and on the Spanish Proficiency Videos you studied on your own in these last weeks.

Voicethreads are due: Tuesday, September 28th, 5pm.

Once you have completed this Voicethread activity, you will have shown how well you have achieved your BATs (Be Able To’s) for chapter 9 . The first slide shows the first page of the document that accompanies the videos you studied to help train your ear and to help you learn related vocabulary and grammar. On this page, you will see me explaining the assignment in Spanish. The next page contains a video that is a good example of the kind of recording you should aim to produce.

Important: You MAY NOT read the text you prepared on the theme of “Mi Restaurante favorito.” You May use a bullet list with key words (palabras clave) to help you remember what you want to say.

You will have as many chances as you wish to record your Voicethread audio/video.

You will see next to your name, once you have logged in, a little trash can icon. If you are not satisfied with your recording, you can “throw your recording in the trash” and start again!

If you do not yet have a webcam or a microphone on your own computer, use the computers in FRED. All have microphones installed.

Note, too, that on some computers, voicethread videos do not play (the screen goes grey) on Internet Explorer. Should this happen, try to view the voicethread with Mozilla Firefox. I have had no trouble with videos on my Mac using Safari. Please post to this page any problems you are having with any of this technology. Sign your name, please!

To actually WORK with this voicethread and add your own audio and/or video, you must:

  • First, get your own voicethread account by subscribing at:

Click here to record your Chapter 9 Voicethread !! 🙂

    ¡Estoy ansiosa de ver sus videos! (I can’t wait…!)Voicethreads are due: Tuesday, September 28th, 5pm.

    Here is the voicethread you have created! I believe this link is “hot,” meaning: the voicethread you see here updates more or less automatically. Check it out!

Below, you will find the SECOND voicethread (for capítulo 10):

I have changed the DUE DATE: Submit your guión via email no later than Thursday, October 28th.

You will receive corrections in class on Friday, October 29. Then, you will have until Tuesday, November 2nd to record your voicethreads.

Click on the following link to view the voicethread on that site. (On, you can enlarge the presentation for a full-screen view.)

Voicethread #2 on the http:/ site

Below, you will find the FINAL voicethread of the Fall 2010:

View this voicethread on the voicethread site at: Click here to see your FINAL voicethread of Fall 2010

Apuntes de Profe del capítulo 4

¿Te interesa la tecnología?  ¿Eres un tecnolo-adicto o un tecnofobo?  ¿Puedes existir sin tu computadora o sin tu teléfono inteligente?  ¡Yo, no!  🙂


Use this presentation to study and learn the material of chapter 4… You may download this presentation and work on it on your own computer by clicking here: >>> Apuntes de Profe del capítulo 4


apuntes de profe del capítulo…

Presentaciones del capítulo 4

April Tarbox has designed three excellent presentations: two on the vocabulary of the Internet, one colors. You will find them very helpful as you prepare for your chapter four test!

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s Internet/Technology Presentation!

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s Second presentation on Computadoras!

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s presentation on Colores!

Tamara Beet has created a wonderful PowerPoint presentation to help you learn vocabulary for emotions, technology and functions of the Internet.

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Click on ME to download: Vocabulario del capítulo 4 ~ Tamara BeetTarbox-Ch4-Vocab

Sp 101 Voicethread Projects ~ Fall 2010

¡Hola a todos!

Below, you will find our first Voicethread Project. It is based on Actividad 17, in your Workbook (either in your textbook or online, at . Once you have completed this Voicethread activity, you will have shown how well you have achieved your BATs (Be Able To’s) for chapter 1. The first slide shows you what the activity looks like; the second slide is a video of me (Profe) providing you an example of what you should be able to say in your own voicethread.

First, you will write out all the sentences you will learn and practice speaking. Second, you will email them to me or hand them in so I can correct them for you. You will learn the corrected version of your sentences.

You will have as many chances as you wish to record your Voicethread audio/video. You will see next to your name, once you have logged in, a little trash can icon. If you are not satisfied with your recording, you can “throw your recording in the trash” and start again!

If you do not yet have a webcam or a microphone on your own computer, use the computers in FRED. All have microphones installed.

To view this Voicethread to see what this first assignment is, click on the “Play” arrow in the middle of the screen, below. (Note: to actually record and submit your own work, scroll down to the voicethread links at which you will set up your voicethread account and then join either SPA 101.01 or SPA 101.02):

Note: To view the Voicethreads on the full screen of your computer, look in the upper right hand side of the Voicethread. You will see an “X” icon. To the left of it, there is a control button that will expand your screen. To return to the normal view of your Voicethread, press the “ESC” key on your computer (on the top left of your keyboard).

Note, too, that on some computers, voicethread videos do not play (the screen goes grey) on Mozilla Firefox. Should this happen, try to view the voicethread with Internet Explorer. I have had no trouble with videos on my Mac using Safari. Please post to this page any problems you are having with any of this technology. Sign your name, please!

To actually WORK with this voicethread and add your own audio and/or video, you must:

  • First, get your own voicethread account by subscribing at:
  • To join our Sp 101.01 group on voicethread, click on this link:
    Sp 101.01 Voicethread Group:
  • To join our Sp 101.02 group on voicethread, click on this link:

Sp 101.02 Voicethread Group:


Click on the link, below, to receive an email invitation to join our Chapter 1 Voicethread. Once you arrive on this page, you will be able to record your own voicethread! ¡Diviértanse! (Have fun with it!):

Click here to record your Chapter 1 Voicethread !! 🙂

Here is the Chapter 2 Voicethread assignment:

Click on the “Comment” bar on the voicethread, above. You will see “buttons” for recording options: microphone or webcam. You know what do to from there… (If not, contact me!)

Remember: Click on the “Comment” bar on the voicethread, above. You will see “buttons” for recording options: microphone or webcam. You know what do to from there… (If not, contact me!)

Click me to download a .pdf file of the text slides of this voicethread.

Remember: You must post your voicethread by Friday, November 11th.

Need help? Contact Profe!


Final Voicethread:

Click me to see this voicethread in the full screen version at

Click me to download the PowerPoint file for this voicethread.

Remember: You must post your Voicethread by Thursday, December 23rd, no later than 5pm.

I would be happy to help you edit your script! Contact me!

Apuntes de Profe del capítulo 3

¿Qué estudias en BCC?  Para poder hablar de tus clases, de tu horario (schedule), de la hora, del calendario, y para aprender a hacer preguntas de todos tipos, estudia bien el vocabulario y la gramática del capítulo 3. 

Use this presentation for chapter three to help you learn!

Need help with any of this?  See Profe for help and/or any of the FRED Facilitators in the Language Lab!

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Download this presentation by clicking here >>>> Apuntes de Profe ~ Capítulo 3

SPA 202 ~ ¡Los Blogueros! ~ Primavera 2011

¡Bienvenidos a la página de los Blogueros de SPA 202!

Los blogs cambian cada semana.  Vuelve a menudo para descubrir lo que están pensando y aprendiendo Cristina y Hugo…   (The blogs change each week.  Return often to discover what Cristina and Hugo are discovering and learning…)

La Vida de Cristina en Venezuela

Las Carretas de Sarchí

Las carretas multicolores de Sarchí

Haz clic en el enlace siguiente para visitar el blog de Cristina María Ramírez Martínez: >>> La Vida de Cristina en Venezuela

Hugo en Honduras
¡Estamos orgullosos de ser HONDUREÑOS!

¡Estamos orgullosos de ser HONDUREÑOS!

Haz click en el enlace siguiente para visitar el blog de Hugo: >>> Hugo en Honduras

¿Qué es un Voicethread? ¿Cómo crear un Voicethread?

What’s a “voicethread”? How do you create a “voicethread”?
See, below, a PowerPoint presentation on how you can set up your Voicethread account so you can author Voicethread discussions on topics that interest you and participate in those created by your instructor and your classmates. If you have questions on how to do this, contact “Profe” or Emily “Palomita” Ruel or April Tarbox.
View more presentations or Upload your own.
Check out the following to learn about some of the things you can do with a voicethread!

…And you can do “video-doodling” and you can record your own comments! Cool! ¡Chevere!

Apuntes de Profe del capítulo 2

Here is the presentation we have used in class while studying and learning the material for Chapter 2 in our textbook.

Use these slides to prepare for your chapter 2 test AND to hone your skills so you’ll be ready to create your voicethread for chapter 2!

Click to advance to the next image slide.

¡Diviértanse! Have fun…!

Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 2

View more presentations or Upload your own.
Thanks to Cengage for permission to use graphics from their instructors’ PowerPoint presentations for grammar and vocabulary!

Verbos regulares en -AR

Use these slides to help you learn how to talk about activities that you do (and to conjugate regular -AR verbs).

Click on this link to download this presentation for use on your own computer. >>>~ AR Verbs ~ Las Actividades

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Many thanks to the brilliant Tanya Record for this wonderful presentation.

Sp 131 ~ Hospitality and Culinary ~ Chapter 4 PowerPoint

¡Hola a todos!

Here is the latest PowerPoint presentation to help you study the material for chapter 4: vocabulary of the family, professions in your workplaces, adjectives for describing personality traits and emotions, along with the verbs SER (that you need to use to describe “what you’re like and where you’re from”) and ESTAR (that you need to use to describe “how you feel and where you are.”)

If you have questions, do NOT hesitate to contact me!!

Download the presentation for use on your own computer by clicking on the following link:

Here is the PowerPoint presentation for Sp 131 Chapter 4! Study Hard!

Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 8

Aquí tienes la presentación de mis apuntes para el capítulo 8.  Si tienes preguntas, escríbeme un correo electrónico.

Si quieres bajarlo (download) a tu computadora, haz clic sobre este enlace >>>¡Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 8!

Si quieres ver la presentación en una pantalla más grande, haz clic en este enlace >>> apuntes de profe del capítulo 8

IMPORTANTE: When you have viewed/used this presentation, leave a comment in the reply window, below.

You will earn one homework point for posting; two for using four elements of vocabulary or grammar from the presentation correctly; three points for six elements used correctly; five points for eight or more correctly used elements of vocabulary or grammar.

¡OJO! Students who post comments like “Profe, es una presentación muy útil” will receive NO extra credit.  Use this as an opportunity to study and practice what you’ve learned…and to SHOW IT ALL OFF!  🙂

If you’ve accessed this page from “BCC Breaking News and Posts,” click on the title of this post (“Apuntes de Profe…”), above, to take you to the window that does have a reply window.

Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 7

Aquí tienes la presentación de mis apuntes para el capítulo 7.  Si tienes preguntas, escríbeme un correo electrónico.

Si quieres bajarlo (download) a tu computadora, haz clic sobre este enlace >>>¡Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 7!

Si quieres ver la presentación en una pantalla más grande, haz clic en este enlace >>>Apuntes de profe para el capítulo 7

IMPORTANTE: When you have viewed/used this presentation, leave a comment in the reply window, below.

You will earn one homework point for posting; two for using four elements of vocabulary or grammar from the presentation correctly; three points for six elements used correctly; five points for eight or more correctly used elements of vocabulary or grammar.

If you’ve accessed this page from “BCC Breaking News and Posts,” click on the title of this post (“Apuntes de Profe…”), above, to take you to the window that does have a reply window.

SPA 102 ~ Voicethread para el capítulo 7 ~ Spring 2011

See your Voicethread assignment for chapter 7, below…

Note that you should email Profe the script of your Voicethread no later than Monday, March 21. She will return your work by Wednesday, March 23rd. Then, you will have a week to learn your script and to record your Voicethread. You should have your Voicethread posted no later than Monday, March 28th.  If you wish to use the webcams in FRED, let Profe know so she can help set one up for you. If you have a webcam and/or microphone on your own computer, feel free to record your Voicethread from home!

¡Diviértete!  🙂

Here is the link to the Voicethread page.  If the Voicethread slides are too small for you to work with here, click on this link for access to these same slides in a larger format:   See Chapter 7 Voicethread on the Voicethread Site by Clicking on This Link!

Informal Command Forms ~ Mandatos


Here is the PowerPoint presentation to help you learn informal command forms…

Write a comment to let me know if you found it useful to help you learn… You can download the presentation directly to your computer by clicking on this link. >>>Sp 102-C7-Informal Command Explanations-3.2.11

How to form Command forms for “usted” and “ustedes”…

April Tarbox created a very useful presentation on how to form commands for usted and ustedes forms. If you want to download it, click on the title, below. It will take you to the Slideboom site, where the presentation is archived, where you can download it to your own computer.

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Apuntes de Profe del capítulo 5

Here are the slides we have been using in class to study and learn the vocabulary and grammar for chapter 5… Use them well to prepare for the chapter 5 practice test and for the final exam… ¡Disfrutense! (Enjoy!)

Click on this link to download your own copy of this presentation. >>> Apuntes de Profe del capítulo 5

Capítulo 5-V1: Vocabulario de la familia

 April Tarbox’s latest PowerPoint creation to help you learn is on the vocabulary for the family (capítulo 5 ~ vocabulario útil 1).  I think the vocabulary for in-laws and step-parents is particularly challenging!  This is a very strong tool to help you get it all straight.

Click on this link to download this PowerPoint >> La Familia ~ Capítulo 5 ~ Vocabulario útil

¡Casi (almost) todas las presentaciones del capítulo 4!

Here are ALMOST all the presentations for Capítulo 4 !!  (Tanya Record’s presentation is upcoming.)

Here is the PowerPoint presentation we used in class while studying chapter four. Use it to help you prepare for the chapter test!

You can also download it, below:

Click on ME to download Profe’s PowerPoint for Chapter Four!

April Tarbox has designed three excellent presentations: two on the vocabulary of the Internet, one colors. You will find them very helpful as you prepare for your chapter four test!

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s Internet/Technology Presentation!

Here is April Tarbox’s terrific second presentation on Computadoras…

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s Second presentation on Computadoras!

Here is April Tarbox’s presentation to help you learn colors:

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s presentation on Colores!

Tamara Beet has created a wonderful PowerPoint presentation to help you learn vocabulary for emotions, technology and functions of the Internet.

Click on ME to download: Vocabulario del capítulo 4 ~ Tamara BeetTarbox-Ch4-Vocab

SPA 101 ~ Voicethread para el capítulo 3 ~ Fall 2010

Remember: Click on the “Comment” bar on the voicethread, above.  You will see “buttons” for recording options:  microphone or webcam.  You know what do to from there…  (If not, contact me!)

Click me to see this voicethread in the full screen version at
Click me to download a .pdf file of the text slides of this voicethread.

Remember: You must post your voicethread by Friday, November 11th.

Need help?  Contact Profe!


La Fecha ~ Learn Vocabulary on Dates!

Tanya Record, FRED Facilitator, created this amazing presentation.

Some of the animations may work less well when you view the presentation on this site, depending on your browser. 

For best viewing, download it to your own computer by clicking on this link >>>> La Fecha ~ Learn the vocabulary for dates!

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Presentaciones PowerPoint para el capítulo 3

Tammy Beet created this excellent presentation to help you master the vocabulary for chapter three. View it here, but note: You may download this presentation by clicking on the link, below:

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Click there to download >>>>> Capítulo 3 – Vocabulario del capitulo 3 – Tammy Beet

¿Te gustan los programas de concursos? (Do you like game shows?)

🙂  ¡Fantástico!  ¡Juguemos al Yepardí! (Let’s play “Jeopardy”!)

April Tarbox created this Jeopardy game to help you master your BATs for chapter 3… ¡Diviértete! (Have fun!)

View more presentations or Upload your own.

The links (the “back” and “home” buttons) will work only if you download this presentation to your own computer.

Click there to download >>>>> ¡Yepardi! ~ Capítulo 3

Finally, here are my notes for chapter three.  Please note that this is not a polished presentation, but it WILL help you review and learn.

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Download this presentation by clicking here >>>> Apuntes de Profe ~ Capítulo 3

Verbos regulares ~ ER y IR verbs

Use these two terrific presentation to help you learn the endings for regular -ER and -IR verbs.
This presentation helps you learn the difference between -ER and -IR endings of regular verbs.  It’s great!  …funny, too!

Jonathan Dick created this wonderful presentation.

View more presentations or Upload your own.
This excellent presentation was designed by April Tarbox.
This embedded version has not retained the proper links…  🙁 …
You should be able to click on a verb on one of the two main pages to see the verb forms in the present indicative tense.
Please download this presentation to your own computer to ensure that the animations work properly.  Click here to get to and download April’s terrific presentation!
View more presentations or Upload your own.

El Día de las madres

Esta presentación es de Michael “Jota Jota” Van Deusen.  JJ  diseño esta presentación para los alumnos de la clase de SPA 101 ~ Fall 2010.  Hizo muchas investigaciones útiles.  Puedes utilizar esta presentación para aprender mucho sobre las costumbres y actitudes en el mundo hispano sobre la persona de la madre en la familia.  ¿La familia hispana te parece muy diferente de la tuya?  ¿Cómo?  Vamos a discutirlo juntos en la clase.

You can download  this presentation by clicking on the link, below:

Van Deusen-Día de las madres para VT-10.13.10

For SPA 101 Students: “Documentos para la clase” page updated

Hola a todos…

I have updated the Documentos para la clase page, at this link:

Now, you can access answer keys for the workbook and lab manual, along with transcripts for the lab, in-text audio and videos.

DO use the answer keys to check your work or to see correct answers when you are unsure of your own answers.

Remember:  the password for this Documentos… page is:  “bienvenidos.”   If you forget it, the password is the very first word on the Homepage of the blog.

Hasta luego,



For Sp 101 Students: Flash card presentation for “Los Campos de Estudio”

Click on the following link to take you to Tanya Record’s latest fabulous PowerPoint presentation to help you learn the vocabulary for topics of study in the university.  Use the slides like flash cards and you’ll learn this vocabulary in a flash !!   This link lives in the “Spanish Learning Toybox” on the blog, so you can find it by searching in the right-hand sidebar.

¡Diviértanse! Enjoy!

Los Campos de estudio

Alert for: SPA 101.01 and SPA 101.02

The site has been servicing their site.  This has made it impossible for me to input assignments on the site.  YOU, on the other hand, can access the site and work on it with no problem.

Not all assignments for SPA 101.01 for Monday, October 18, are visible.  This is what you can see:

Assignment for Monday, 19.18.10

I am sending you this alert to provide you with the work due for Monday:

In addition to what IS visible on the Quia site, please do Workbook activities for chapter 3: #1-3.

Assignments for SPA 101.02 for Tuesday are not posted, at all. For Tuesday:

1)  Study and learn: Vocabulario útil 1-3.  Make sure you know the vocabulary before you try doing the workbook activities.  Once you are confident you know the vocabulary, try to produce answers (in your book) for the textbook activities that correspond to them.

2)  Do Workbook activities for chapter 3: #1-6.

3) BATs (“Be Able To’s”):  Come to class able to:

a) Talk about your class schedule and ask friends about theirs using the vocabulary for all the different kinds of courses people take in college.

b) Talk about where on campus you do various things using the vocabulary of places on campus.

c) Ask for and give the time of day (and night!)

d) Tell people on what date you do particular activities and ask them when they do them.

Hasta lunes o martes…
Profe  😎

SPA 101 ~ Voicethread Project #2 ~ Updated.

Your SPA 101 Voicethread Project #2 has been updated.  Click on this link to access the updated Voicethread #2 Project:

Did you know you can record your voicethread directly from that page on the blog?  Click on “Comment” to make your recording choices (audio or video recording) appear.

Let Profe know how you’re doing… If you have not already had your voicethread script corrected, send your script to Profe as soon as possible, and she will provide you with corrections.  Learn your corrected script and record it onto this voicethread page.

Remember:  No reading your script!  You can refer to a list of palabras claves (key words) to help you remember what you wanted to say…

Remember, too:  You can record your voicethread as many times as you wish…until you are satisfied with your recording.  Recording and re-recording is terrific practice, as well!

Keep in touch; ask for help if you need it!

Profe      😎