Survey for SPA 101 Students!

To all SPA 101 students:

The survey for this semester’s class is de-bugged and up!

Click on the links, below, to access both parts of the survey.

…by January 15th, please…  🙂

Once you have finished Part I, click on the second link to access Part II.

Click here to access Part I of survey:

Click here to access Part I of survey:

I want to thank every one of you who responded to the survey on the Spanish Wikiblog. Every single comment was extremely useful. You all had brainstorms about how to organize the blog, about features we should include that are VERY helpful. Further, your remarks help me understand how you use the blog, so that we can highlight and improve those features in the future.

So, THANK YOU, again!

I’m hoping to take advantage of your experience and your opinions as I plan next semester’s (and next year’s) classes.  Please help me do the best job I can by responding to the class survey and providing your input.

I will be especially interested to learn your ideas on which components of our textbook, Nexos you have most often used and which components you think we ought to have students purchase, in the future.  Questions on Nexos are in Part II of the survey.

Click on the links, below, to access both parts of the survey.

Once you have finished Part I, click on the second link to access Part II.

Click here to access Part I of survey:

Click here to access Part I of survey:

You can also find both links on the homepage (the “Bienvenidos” page) of the Blog.

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