Critical Skills

Liberal Arts’ big advantage is the diversity in which classes can be taken. By taking Liberal Arts, I and many others gain valuable all-around skills that can be used for the future.

– wants to prepare yourself for an ever-changing job market, the Liberal Arts Program gives you transferable skills that employers value across many fields.

This goes for every class I took, as with the design of Liberal Arts, every class is chosen to diversify and expand student’s horizons and knowledge that will be useful in their future.

– plans to transfer to a four-year institution, the Liberal Arts Program gives you the flexibility to explore your options, focus your interests, and gain foundational knowledge in a wide range of disciplines.

Getting good grades in most class will help with the transfer process, and it let’s me focus on whatever major I choose more instead of taking more electives or required classes I already took. My math classes for example, Algebra and Precalculus are very common in many degrees, but thanks to Liberal Arts, those credits can transfer and I would have a head start right off the bat in comparison if I just went off to a 4-year college right away.

– is interested in creating social and political change in your community, the Liberal Arts Program gives you the theoretical, historical, civic, and social knowledge to impact community life.

This one is most influenced by historical knowledge, and more specifically by class on History of the Holocaust. I have always had an interest in history, learning about our past, our mistakes and wars and people who lived long ago interests me, but this class made me think about social issues like racism is how desperation can lead normal people to commited acts as described in the subject matter. It made me think and wonder what I could do in my community to make it better, and make people more trustworthy and trust one another.

– is undecided about a specific career path, the Liberal Arts Program provides you with a solid foundation and time to explore courses in the arts and sciences.

With science, I have always enjoyed Chemistry the most, but BCC offered a Introductory Psychology course, and I really enjoyed and took a lot from the class. For one, the subject matter made me think a lot of the world around us, and how we interact with each other for an infinite amount of reasons. It gave me a level of introspection that will be critical to finding my true major after graduation.

– appreciates interdisciplinary learning, the Liberal Arts Program provides you with a framework for developing connections between a wide range of fields.

The subjects available in this degree are chosen for this very objective, I took everything from a World Geography course to a Science Fiction class, the diversity on display with this degree allows anyone to take their best effort in finding what they want to do, and preparing them for that moment when it does come. These classes do everything you need to prepare for any major, every major subject is covered in this degree, allowing maximum freedom is what to pursue and getting the essential knowledge needed for college and beyond.

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