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interests and hobbies

I’ve always loved music since a child and always had a dream of being a musician in the future. From 4th grade to 9th grade I played the drums, I played school concerts, recitals ect always had a real love for creating an unique sound. Being around friends we would always “freestyle” to a beat we looked up on Youtube its always been very enjoyable. Starting from 2 years ago I found out one of my childhood friends was creating music i’ve always had thoughts about doing it but I never understood how. As me and him grew closer and closer again he started to teach me and I really got the hang of it quick and found a love for it and ever since me and kaivian aka wokeupp have been creating music ever since and we only get better and better. Here are the Links to our first collab and most recent we do not expect to make this a career but that doesn’t make us any less passionate.

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