Yesterday I had the pleasure of interviewing Michelle, a non-traditional student who will enter the nursing program next Fall. Listen to her story about how she transformed her fear of math into a passion.
News: Ending the Late Option – Inside Higher Ed
Enrollment vs. Retention
Should we do away with late registration? One college says “yes”. Read on
Point of View from GetREAL Advisor
Getting Personal: Teaching Developmental Writing at BCC
Chris Adams has been teaching developmental writing at BCC for many years. She recently wrote an article “Getting Personal”, about how heartbreaking it can be to read her students essays. It has made it difficult for her to assign these kind of personal essays, but she misses the connection that can come with them. Read on about the way she has been able to bring connection back into the classroom without heartbreak.
Lisa Mattila’s BCC’s Personal Counselor, discusses the
importance of advising in meeting the needs of all students
including those in developmental courses
Bearing the rigors of college – Berkshire Eagle Online
Several weeks ago Jenn Smith from the Berkshire Eagle interviewed several of us at BCC to find out more about the needs of developmental students and what BCC is doing to address these needs For the full article, click the link below.
Getting Real:Advising in Developmental Education
Please click on the link below to view the Power Point Presentation on developmental advising that my colleague, Peg Cookson and I just presented at the National Association of Developmental Education Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.
Education Week: High School to College: The New Alignment
Is high school/college curriculum alignment the answer?
NCPR Developmental Education Conference 2010
The link below takes you to the National Center Postsecondary Research conference site. There are some good video presentations taken from their developmental ed. conference last September.
SENSE – News
Kay McClenney, director of the Center for Community College Student Engagement, and author of an article entitled: Helping Community-College Students Succeed: a Moral Imperative states:
The reality for community colleges is this: No matter how good our colleges are today — and they do contribute mightily to educational access, work-force development, and economic prosperity — they simply are not yet good enough. Our results, particularly when stated in terms of student achievement, are not adequate to serve the pressing needs of individual students, communities, states, and the nation.
The challenges that community colleges face are particularly evident in the area of developmental education. McClenney reviews what some community colleges are doing to address these challenges.
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