My name is David Castegnaro, but my family and a lot of my friends call me Davey. I’m currently a student at Berkshire Community College (BCC) in my first year. I am currently a Liberal Arts major but I’m hoping to switch to a Criminal Justice major by next spring. I work two different jobs as of right now, one of them being at the BCC gym, also called Paterson Field House where I serve as a desk attendant. I also have an off-campus job at Stop & Shop on Dan Fox Drive. Over there, I work in the front-end department where I mainly serve as a cashier. But I also bag other people’s groceries, some self-scan, I go outside to bring in carts that people are too lazy to bring back in, and I do a little bit of stocking shelfs and do tags every now and then when it’s not busy. In the summer however, I’m a camp counselor for the 10–14-year-old boys’ group at Camp Russell Boys & Girls Club. Here at BCC, I’m involved with many different clubs and organizations. I am a member of the Student Government Association (SGA) where I serve as the Secretary. I am also a member of TRIO, Honors scholar program, and the Alumni Board here on campus. In my free time where I don’t got classes or work, I do schoolwork, Watch TV, play video games, go to the gym, listen to music while cruising in my car, hangout with family or friends, make different type of movie, tv shows or story script and I brainstorm for upcoming ideas of mine as well. Finally, I’m a former Pittsfield High School General. As I graduated from PHS in 2023. I now look to make an impact here at BCC and hope to make an impact on other people’s lives and change them for the better.