Academic Work


America’s Problematic Education System is an essay I wrote in response to my own journey through the education system. In many ways, the education system failed me as I was a hyper curious, extroverted kid. As an adult, I sympathize with the teachers who struggled to keep me seated.  In this essay I explored the education system through a macro lens. My goal was to pinpoint where the education system was failing. Through the research process, I learned how to maximize efficiency through organization.

The Problem With The War On Drugs- Final Draft

The Problem With The War On Drugs is an essay I wrote for Professor Sean Mcphersons english class. This essay stands out to me because I was finally able to examine my curiosity about world events which related to my passions. The war on drugs is a topic which fascinated me following the year I spent learning to grow the best cannabis in the berkshires. The assignment began with a ten minute free write with pen and paper. That ten minutes allowed me the freedom to explore my curiosities. 

The Dangers Of Electronic Cigarettes (3)

The Dangers Of Electronic Cigarettes is an essay I wrote in response to the trends around me. Everywhere I look I see people vaporizing nicotine, yet nobody is aware of the long term health repercussions. Truthfully, it is such a new technology nobody really knows how bad they are. This research project stood out because I employed my use of pub med, and other analytical professional websites. By taking a moment to examine the habits of those around me, my worldview grew.

40.73116° N, 73.98366° W

My capstone Project is a reflection on my education as a citizen of New York City. When I graduated high school I took a gap year to live in NYC and work odd jobs. I craved real world experience. I fell in love with the ups and downs of the city. This is a small collection of poems which embody my experiences as a 24 year old male living in the city.