Critical Skills

Critical Skills 


Information Literacy: Taking The Biology Of Cannabis taught me to navigate rapidly growing information through technological research. In an era defined by fake news, knowing how to accurately decipher through information is a critical skill which I look forward to using throughout life. Thank you Prof!

Scientific Literacy: I gained scientific literacy through a number of courses at BCC. Brain. Mind And Behavior (BIO-175), Introduction To Botany (BIO-111 02), Environmental Awareness (ENV-127), and Medical Terminology (AHS-129). These classes gave me confidence and knowledge in the world of science. 

Critical, Creative, and Strategic Thinking: Through Composition II I learned to appreciate the world of literature through a perfectionists lens. I learned to think critically while editing my work, creatively when choosing which subjects to write about, on how to gather the best data.

Quantitative Reasoning: Algebra taught me quantitative reasoning. 

Written And Oral Communication: I developed my communication skills  taking Intro to Interpersonal Communication (COM-104-01).

Global Awareness And Historical Context: My global awareness was greatly influenced when I took Introductory Sociology (SOC-105). World History to 1500 (HIS-121) taught me the histories of humanity. By exploring the dawn of civilization, I have a better understanding of how society has progressed.