Deepen your Turn It In Knowledge

Turn It In has just listed a number of live and on-demand (you can watch them whenever you want – play, fast forward, pause, etc.) available for the next few […]

From Ohio State University “6 Things You Should Know About Grading in Microsoft Word”  http://ocio.osu.edu/elearning/toolbox/brief/grading-in-microsoft-word/6-things-you-should-know-about-grading-in-microsoft-word/ From Duke University Trillium project, a number of faculty blog posts on how they have […]

The link below will lead to a brief excerpt from the Walvoord and Anderson book: “Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning Assessment.” Many BCC faculty expressed an interest at the […]

Upcoming Workshop on Student Writing

  “CREATING WRITING ASSIGNMENTS THAT RESULT IN STUDENT PAPERS YOU WILL WANT TO READ” A Seminar with Dr. Susanmarie Harrington Director of Writing in the Disciplines and Professor of English, […]

How to Get a Real Education at College

This Wall Street Journal article depicts the questionable path that Scott Dilbert of cartoon fame took in his early career. His points? Write simply and Use persuasion. Looks like it […]

An interesting opinion piece written by a college professor who teaches Freshman English: “I’VE been teaching college freshmen to write the five-paragraph essay and its bully of a cousin, the […]

Blogging to Improve Student Learning

“Most universities press their faculty to add technology to their classroom by adopting the Learning Management System—Blackboard, Moodle, etc. This is a mistake. Faculty often end up spending hours learning […]

Researchers in the UK studied 3000+ children 9-16 y.o., and found that those who use social networking tools have higher levels of literacy: “And what about the “LOL OMG c […]