online learning

News: Seed of Doubt

This is a report of a study to “refute” the Dept of Ed meta-study that student results of online (particularly hybrid) courses is superior to on-campus courses. Unfortunately, the authors […]

As many know, the Horizon Report comes out each year to capsulize technology trends that are significant to the academy. This year, the keywords are “data sense-making, the cloud, and […]

Technology vs. Knowledge

The link below is to an excellent short essay by Chris Dede of the Harvard School of Ed. In the piece, he describes the meeting of classical approaches to education […]

First Look: Apple iPad

Is it possible that in a few years all our students will all have an iPad-type device costing under $300? Instead of heavy backpacks, overpriced textbooks, and notebooks, this device […]

This short video introduction to Moodle gives a little of the history and background of Moodle. Moodle Tutorials ::: Educating Educators – A general Moodle presentation. Posted using ShareThis

Karen CH writes: ” I have put up the following copyright page which  can be found at: Faculty and staff may not understand, especially in the digital world, that […]

As featured in a previous post here, Cushing Academy, a private high school in Eastern Mass, has eliminated all the books and gone to a completely digital library. The item […]

This is from the Tomorrow’s Professor blog, and features a concise description of some of the main principles of constructivist philosophy: 987. The Constructivist Approach and Online Learning Posted using […]

SNS = social networking site, like Facebook, MySpace, etc. As I contemplate using a Ning social networking module in a Blackboard-based course this Spring, I decided it might be a […]