HETL group on LinkedIn
If you have a profile on LinkedIn, I highly recommend the Higher Education Teaching and Learning group. There are a number of interesting discussions taking place there. For example, I […]
If you have a profile on LinkedIn, I highly recommend the Higher Education Teaching and Learning group. There are a number of interesting discussions taking place there. For example, I […]
This is a study of a BBC news website. The findings are basically that people comment on articles or blogs if they have an emotional reaction to the content. Click […]
“Most universities press their faculty to add technology to their classroom by adopting the Learning Management System—Blackboard, Moodle, etc. This is a mistake. Faculty often end up spending hours learning […]
I will be looking into this very soon for our WordPress engine-based blogs here. If I understand it right, this plug-in will allow you to target a news story, and […]
Bloggers are very interested that people read their blog. Which means that occasionally, a controversial post is called for! What better topic than http://www.ratemyprofessor.com? If one searches under Berkshire Community […]
The initial meeting for the Title III Classroom 2.0 project is set for Thursday, February4th, 12:15 – 1:15p in the CTL. Lunch will be provided. Faculty and staff are invited […]
Six faculty gathered in the CTL on November 5th to participate in a discussion led by Chris L. on Assessment. The session was interactive and informative. Here are some notes […]
A small group met in the CTL Wednesday to discuss aspects of “web 2.0” technologies and their pedagogical uses. We discussed the various uses of blogs, wikis, and email groups. […]
You may have noticed that in the right column of the blog is a area known as a “tag cloud.” The tags are keywords that represent the content of each […]
A small group of BCC faculty met today for the first session of this faculty learning group on teaching and new technologies. The discussion ranged through a number of topics, […]