active learning

Professor Jeffrey Henriques, Dept of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, has used Clickers since 2004, and shares some approaches: (Full article at: “Henriques said he typically asks four to six […]

A professor wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Ed: I have this class that only enrolled about 20 students last spring.  So, as i re-prep the same class for this […]


Harvard Professor Ellen Langer has been talking about mindful learning for three decades. She is now applying her mindfulness research to the question of aging brains and bodies. Her new […]

Student photo

An exciting prospect for a student team project, check the link below! Social Entreprenurial Student Leadership – USSESL Posted using ShareThis

Researchers in the UK studied 3000+ children 9-16 y.o., and found that those who use social networking tools have higher levels of literacy: “And what about the “LOL OMG c […]

Some interesting tips via video on flip video, wikis, and educational games:

What new technology would you like to know about?? Come to T&L 2.0, ask your questions, and together we can explore! On October 20, a small group experimented in the […]

Four faculty members plus Mary P. met in the CTL on Thursday afternoon to discuss current service learning projects. Each faculty member shared their syllabus and demonstrated how the service […]

A small group of BCC faculty met today for the first session of this faculty learning group on teaching and new technologies. The discussion ranged through a number of topics, […]