HETL group on LinkedIn
If you have a profile on LinkedIn, I highly recommend the Higher Education Teaching and Learning group. There are a number of interesting discussions taking place there. For example, I […]
If you have a profile on LinkedIn, I highly recommend the Higher Education Teaching and Learning group. There are a number of interesting discussions taking place there. For example, I […]
Inside Higher Ed reports on a national survey of community college distance ed program administrators. The findings: – Growth rates continue, an average of 9% per annum – Online students […]
The Teaching, Learning & Technology Group (http://www.tltgroup.org) now has a blog. This resource provides access to this non-profit group’s expertise and common sense in teaching with technology. TLT has pioneered […]
From The Chronicle of Higher Education, this new study finds that the primary source for plagiarism is now social media and user-generated websites, with paper mills in third place. Plagiarism […]
If you have any interest in open educational resources or the open source movement, visit this course site. The site offers a wealth of resources on the topic. You may […]
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SUNY Online has posted their current research results here: http://www.slideshare.net/alexandrapickett/sln-research-update-2011-sln-solsummit While skimming their work on “learning presence,” like anyone, I skipped to the last slide, where a tool called SNAPP […]
What is that, you say? It is: “PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in […]
This looks worth perusing and possibly joining if you teach writing or incorporate writing in your assignments: http://digitalis.nwp.org/ “The NWP Digital Is website is a collection of ideas, reflections, and […]
Once again, we are warned that the very technologies that offer so much to students (low cost, multiple platform support, social media interfaces) have not been made fully accessible. Please […]