
Math instructor Ed Crosson will be piloting a downloadable, modularĀ statistics textbook from the Connexions website. The Connexions project is from Rice University and funded by the Hewlett foundation. All materials […]

Biology Professor Frank Schickor presented at the CTL on “Educational Games,” on April 2nd. This presentation was a snippet of what he presented at the League for Innovation in the […]

OER are teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or re-purposing by […]

A Flip Video workshop was led by Kathy Kessler, English Adjunct, and Dori Digenti on February 9th. We discovered that the flip video is even better than we thought: the […]

This workshop has been offered twice in March 2009. The groups have heard about the functions and differences between blogs and wikis, and practiced setting up their own blogs. Below […]

On February 12th, 2009, Math faculty member Nancy Zuber shared with a group of faculty and staff some of the methods she’s developed for teaching Math using Smartboard. These methods […]

Clickers Pilot Project

Clickers are here! One set of classroom clickers is being used in Chem 150 by Prof. Tom Carey under a Title III Student Success Research Grant this semester. So far, […]

From Inside Higher Ed, a new study published in Science shows that students can learn new conceptual strategies from each other. Click the link to read the article: peerinstruction1

Clickers came to BCC. Four faculty attended; interest was good. A Clickers demo will take place in Sp09 under Tom Carey.