
Making it visual = amazing

Please watch this: it really is an amazing and interesting testament to the power of technology to present information in new ways that illuminate the issues:

Behavioral Sci and Health instructors might be interested in using some of these videos in courses:

“Getting the Mix Right Again: An updated and theoretical rationale for interaction” by Terry Anderson in The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol 4, No 2 (2003): […]

"Opening Up Education" Remix Version

Opening Up Education, edited by Toru Iiyoshi and M.S. Vijay Kumar, has been reproduced on the Academic Commons site. This is well worth scanning and picking out articles of interest: […]

Understanding Gartner's hype cycle

The image below shows the Gartner Group’s assessment of where a number of leading technologies are on the “hype cycle.” This analysis can help us in higher ed to understand […]

The CTL hosted Mark Hooper of Lodestone Digital for two days of training on Acrobat Pro, and ten staff members attended. The workshop helped us sort through the robust features of […]

I don’t think it’s the end of the LMS, but for hybrid courses with on-campus exams and the instructor’s manual gradebook, it might be an alternative worth considering … Does […]

Linked below is the full and complete report on the Summer Institute “Learning Outside the Classroom/Learning 2.0,” including several presentations, evaluation and participants’ reflections: SI2009binder