
Professor Jeffrey Henriques, Dept of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, has used Clickers since 2004, and shares some approaches: (Full article at: “Henriques said he typically asks four to six […]

Classroom 2.0 Kickoff/Intro - Feb 4th

The initial meeting for the Title III Classroom 2.0 project is set for Thursday, February4th, 12:15 – 1:15p in the CTL. Lunch will be provided. Faculty and staff are invited […]

SNS = social networking site, like Facebook, MySpace, etc. As I contemplate using a Ning social networking module in a Blackboard-based course this Spring, I decided it might be a […]

Often the best way to learn a new technology tool is to use it. With that in mind, A wiki for the Classroom 2.0 project has been set up at […]

Websites that offer or sell lecture notes are springing up across the Internet. Is this copyright infringement? Does it encourage students to cut class? And who do the notes belong […]

Researchers in the UK studied 3000+ children 9-16 y.o., and found that those who use social networking tools have higher levels of literacy: “And what about the “LOL OMG c […]

This is the first use of Twitter in higher ed that I have seen that makes any sense. The idea excites me.. read on, just a couple of paragraphs. Wired […]