
Technology vs. Knowledge

The link below is to an excellent short essay by Chris Dede of the Harvard School of Ed. In the piece, he describes the meeting of classical approaches to education […]

In the well-written article below, the author makes clear why we need to take care in using Facebook for academic purposes (and I do not recommend it). The upshot is […]

First Look: Apple iPad

Is it possible that in a few years all our students will all have an iPad-type device costing under $300? Instead of heavy backpacks, overpriced textbooks, and notebooks, this device […]

Just when we get all this 2.0 stuff figured out, then everyone will want to run it on their cell phones! Endless The Growth of m-Learning and the Growth of […]

Dr. Eric Mazur of Harvard Physics discusses the evolution of this classroom approach, including the use of “clickers.” He collaborated with BCC this past Fall on an NSF proposal.

OK, this is truly scary, from a study of 8-18 y.o.’s by the Kaiser Family Foundation: “A national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that with technology allowing nearly […]

Digital storytelling: is it art?

This is from the Visible Knowledge project at Georgetown, and consists of a blog post featuring some very useful resources and how-to’s on digital storytelling. A useful skim if you […]

Karen CH writes: ” I have put up the following copyright page which  can be found at: Faculty and staff may not understand, especially in the digital world, that […]