Tracking What 21st Century Schools Should Teach
This short post is of interest for three reasons: – Common core state standards are being integrated into LMS’s and other online educational tools – The Standards are tied to […]
This short post is of interest for three reasons: – Common core state standards are being integrated into LMS’s and other online educational tools – The Standards are tied to […]
Some surprisingly humanist view on what the Internet/WWW is becoming: 10 ReadWriteWeb Readers Explain What Our Internet is Turning Into.
This short piece describes the failings of the Kindle, Note, and other e-readers in terms of support for the blind. Apple dodges the bullet on this one by learning from […]
Below is an example of a photo journalism project on Chernobyl. Click any of the side icons to hear/see the dialog and comments, both in Russian and English, or just […]
As many know, the Horizon Report comes out each year to capsulize technology trends that are significant to the academy. This year, the keywords are “data sense-making, the cloud, and […]
Basically, if you can imagine putting a radio frequency-emitting barcode on an object, and then being able to track that object’s location anywhere in the world via GPS and display […]
“Most universities press their faculty to add technology to their classroom by adopting the Learning Management System—Blackboard, Moodle, etc. This is a mistake. Faculty often end up spending hours learning […]
This Chronicle report on a Ball State U. research study showed that students are increasingly moving to the iphone/android world. Note the study found that text messaging is overtaking email […]
By the end of June, we will have policies, insurance, etc. in place for the iPads. Between now and then, please check out the following if you have “iPad fever”: […]
There are some good ideas here – worth scanning Developing an Electronic Communication Policy – ProfHacker – The Chronicle of Higher Education Posted using ShareThis