
Six faculty gathered in the CTL on November 5th to participate in a discussion led by Chris L. on Assessment. The session was interactive and informative. Here are some notes […]

The Chronicle of Higher Education and University of Phoenix presented a Webinar viewed by a small group in the CTL yesterday: “Next-Generation Education for Next-Generation Students.” The webinar was not […]

A very concise version for quick classroom feedback: minutepaper

BCC Faculty Survey - Prelim Results

Here are some preliminary results of the Fall 09 faculty survey, more details to come. Thanks to all who contributed! Total respondents: 64 (Full time: 33; Part time: 31) = 33% […]

Professional Day Sep 09 Evaluation

This evaluation showed quite an interesting mixture of opinions. Most attendees liked the presentations by colleagues, but a significant minority would have preferred an outside speaker. Many noted the small […]

Stacy Evans, Sociology Professor, will present today at the Summer Institute, and has provided this link for everyone. It’s a great online resource to deepen understanding of research and survey […]

“Currently, 40 percent of all first-time freshmen begin their postsecondary careers in community colleges, the great majority of them intending eventually to complete a bachelor’s degree. But along the way […]

The CTL is piloting a half-day Saturday program for adjuncts next month. The program will be focused on classroom assessment, and include time for networking and lunch. Starts at 8:30am, […]

Last Wednesday a day-long Professional Development event was held in the BCC Dining Area, with about 75 faculty and staff in attendance. The theme for the day was on Assessment, […]