Want to improve your college teaching skills or your competitive edge in the academic job market?
Consider enrolling in one of our practical, theory-based graduate courses in pedagogy for higher education.
Preparation for the college classroom involves more than a solid base of knowledge in a discipline; it requires a systematic inquiry into the pedagogies and processes that facilitate learning. The Colleges of Worcester Consortium’s Certificate in College Teaching program is grounded in the latest educational research on best practices in college teaching, and is designed to enhance the teaching and learning experiences for faculty and students at our member institutions. The primary focus of the Certificate is to prepare graduate students, adjunct and full-time faculty who aspire to, or who are currently engaged in, a career in academia. Courses carry Worcester State University graduate credit and may be taken individually or toward completion of the six-credit Certificate. A complete course schedule, full course descriptions, and sample syllabi are available on our website.
(All courses carry Worcester State University graduate credit.)
CT 901 – Seminar in College Teaching
(ONLINE) 2 graduate credits; no prerequisites; May 23 – July 10
The Seminar in College Teaching, the first course in the Certificate sequence, is designed to acquaint participants with basic principles and theories of education and instructional practices associated with effective college teaching. These concepts apply across numerous disciplines as the emphasis is on pedagogy, not course content. Learn the basics of college teaching: designing and developing courses, choosing and using a variety of teaching methods, and assessing student work. The foundational course Seminar in College Teaching is a prerequisite for some Certificate courses. Read what Seminar participants have said about this course!
Read what Seminar participants have said about this course!
CT 913 – Teaching with Technology
(ONLINE) 1 graduate credit; CT 901 helpful but not required; May 23 – July 11
With a focus on the instructor as the primary user of technology in the classroom, this course offers participants an opportunity to deepen their thinking about effective teaching with technology and challenges them to make on-going improvements to their teaching practice. The course supports participants in creating an on-line portfolio featuring lessons or projects that exemplify effective instructor use of technology to promote student learning and demonstrated proficiencies. Teaching technologies include (but are not limited to) the following: Web pages, multimedia presentations, spreadsheet activities, desktop publishing, interactive quizzes, and learning management systems. The central focus of the course is for participants to understand a variety of roles that technology can play in supporting teaching and learning; be comfortable discussing various teaching technologies and how they apply to classroom teaching; share strategies and resources with other educators within their community of practice; and develop an on-line portfolio which demonstrates proficiency in selected teaching technologies.
CT 919 – Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom
(ONLINE) 1 graduate credit; May 14 – June 22
As higher education continues to become increasingly diverse, faculty members will be faced with the challenge of preparing and delivering instruction to students with widely divergent cultural, economic, social, and linguistic backgrounds. In this course, we will look at theoretical and practical ways to prepare ourselves to teach (and learn from) students in ways that reflect culturally relevant pedagogy. Students in the class will analyze and discuss individual and social differences as they manifest themselves inside and outside the classroom, and will have opportunities to design practices that can be applied in their own teaching.
REGISTRATION: Application procedures are described on our website. Follow the appropriate link under “Course Registration” or “Certificate Application Process.” When using the online pre-enrollment form (for beginning the registration process) you will have to pay by credit card. Have your card in hand.
TUITION: Tuition for Certificate courses is $299/credit for participants from Colleges of Worcester Consortium member institutions and $479/credit for external participants. In addition, there is a $75/semester pre-enrollment fee. (Because Worcester State University is the CCT program’s credentialing host, WSU current students, faculty and staff pay $262/credit.) You must pay for courses at the time of registration, but you may qualify for tuition reimbursement. Consult with your adviser, faculty development center, or HR Department for details about applying for tuition reimbursement from your institution before you register for any courses.
Founded in 1968, the Colleges of Worcester Consortium, Inc. is an alliance of 12 public and private colleges in Central Massachusetts that works cooperatively both to further the missions of the member institutions individually and to advance higher education regionally.