Howe and Strauss have laid out 7 characteristics of the millennial generation. Three of these 7 seem to speak to some of the challenges college instructors are facing. While the presenting issue is often the “tech” stuff, the real issue may be more about assumptions and expectations that have been established in this generation since early childhood:
Those born in the Millennial Generation have been described as the most “wanted” generation in recent history. Many Millennials’ parents went to great lengths to have children and have instilled in their children the idea that they are extremely important and vital to the future of the nation.
Millennial children are very protected by their parents. They have been carefully watched over since they were babies, with more parents investing in products to protect their children from danger. Incidents such as Columbine and 9/11 have made youth-protection an even larger concern for parents in the past decade.
Millennials are an optimistic generation. They tend to believe that they and their children will be successful. They have been told since they were young that they can do anything, that there are endless opportunities for them and that they can succeed in whatever they choose.”