April 2011

From The Chronicle of Higher Education, this new study finds that the primary source for plagiarism is now social media and user-generated websites, with paper mills in third place. Plagiarism […]

This article features the viewpoint of one adjunct instructor (from a four-year school) about changes in the teaching profession and tenure. It does have some interesting statistics, and an insight […]

An enjoyable read by a Bunker Hill Community College instructor, who makes the link between his Marathon run and teaching community college students. Enjoy! http://www.insidehighered.com/views/sloane/wick_sloane_runs_the_boston_marathon_to_raise_money_for_students

How to Get a Real Education at College

This Wall Street Journal article depicts the questionable path that Scott Dilbert of cartoon fame took in his early career. His points? Write simply and Use persuasion. Looks like it […]