MA Teaching, Learning, and Student Development Conference 2011, April 15, 2011

Proposal guidelines and a form with which to send in your proposals is linked below.

Note that the deadline has been further extended to March 11, 2011.

Be sure to draft your proposal in Word and then paste into the form – I am not sure if you will receive a copy back from this website!


Community College Teaching & Learning Conference


The Academic Spectrum: Helping Underprepared Students prepare, Prepared Students Advance, Advanced Students Excel”

Keynote Speaker (CONFIRMED): Dr. Rebecca Goosen, Dean for the College of preparatory Studies, San Jacinto College, Houston, TX

Dr. Goosen is a recognized expert in the field of preparatory studies. She has been recognized as a senior fellow of the American Leadership Forum (ALF); she serves regularly in leadership positions for NADE (National Association for Developmental Education) and in her current professional position, she serves three campuses with a total of 11,000 students.

Call for Proposals – January 3, 2011 through February 11, 2011

Proposal Review & Selection – No later than March 11, 2011

Conference Themes:

Academic Media: Technology for Student & Faculty Success – An invitation for proposals that focus on strategies to enhance student readiness in community colleges: universal design; tutorial support, advising, et al.

Best Practices: What Works & Why – Examples of pedagogical approaches, resources, support services et al.

New Initiatives: Straight Off the Drawing Board –- Data driven approaches to faculty and student success.


April 14th Dinner with Dr. Goosen & Invited Guests

April 15th

8 – 9:15 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast

9:30 – 11AM Keynote Address, Panel Reactions, Q &A

11:15 – 12:15PM Interactive Concurrent Sessions

12:30 – 1:30PM Lunch

1:45 – 2:45PM Interactive Concurrent Sessions

3 – 4PM Interactive Concurrent Sessions

Other Activities: Poster Presentation, Information Tables, Vendor Exhibits


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