Made To Stick: Presentations That Stick | Fast Company
This article, linked below, offers a few helpful tips on effective powerpoints. Check the end of the article for links to other resources. Also, this blog — Presentation Zen — […]
This article, linked below, offers a few helpful tips on effective powerpoints. Check the end of the article for links to other resources. Also, this blog — Presentation Zen — […]
We know that teens make poor decisions, can be impulsive, take risks, and so on. The presentation below explains why. Emerging science shows us that the brain continues development through […]
The link below is to an excellent short essay by Chris Dede of the Harvard School of Ed. In the piece, he describes the meeting of classical approaches to education […]
I will be looking into this very soon for our WordPress engine-based blogs here. If I understand it right, this plug-in will allow you to target a news story, and […]
In the well-written article below, the author makes clear why we need to take care in using Facebook for academic purposes (and I do not recommend it). The upshot is […]
This post is the start of a month-long series looking at the brain and learning, leading up to the Summer Institute. First, let’s look at the latest research considering the […]
Here are some tips from Ferris State University (Source: http://www.ferris.edu/fctl/Docs/DealingwithDisruptiveStudents.pdf) Ways of Dealing with Disruptive Students Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance (V. Ruggerio)—most of the […]
In a review of Jaron Lanier’s You Are Not a Gadget, Michael Agger of Slate Magazine discusses the author’s premise, which is that the new Web tools like Wikipedia, Facebook, […]
Is it possible that in a few years all our students will all have an iPad-type device costing under $300? Instead of heavy backpacks, overpriced textbooks, and notebooks, this device […]
Just when we get all this 2.0 stuff figured out, then everyone will want to run it on their cell phones! Endless The Growth of m-Learning and the Growth of […]