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An exciting prospect for a student team project, check the link below! Social Entreprenurial Student Leadership – USSESL Posted using ShareThis

Relevance of competencies

Core competencies, anyone? The Association of American Colleges and Universities recently asked employers who hire at least 25 percent of their workforce from two- or four-year colleges what they want […]

This article about college admissions is pretty enlightening, and uses some good quantitative reasoning. I found it somewhat shocking that colleges can pretty much guess the student’s economic status just […]

book cover for "Drive"

Author Daniel Pink presents views and evidence on human motivation in business: much of this is applicable to our students. What motivates people? “Madeleine Brand talks to author Daniel Pink […]

This is from the Tomorrow’s Professor blog, and features a concise description of some of the main principles of constructivist philosophy: 987. The Constructivist Approach and Online Learning Posted using […]

In this installment, Kay McClenney of the CCSSE responds to increased community college enrollment, and the types of students that attend community college. Be sure to catch the comments! Answers […]