An Hour on the Internet
This is across all demographics…
This is across all demographics…
There will be a webinar on the new regs in the CTL on Tue, Aug 24, 3pm. A couple that may impact us are the “gainful employment” terms, and the […]
This Wall Street Journal article confirms what many in the classroom are already aware of: high school students are largely unprepared for college work. The data is from the ACT, […]
Below is the link to a whole NYT series on Plagiarism. BCC is looking into adopting a plagiarism student tutorial in Moodle. An instructor could opt to suggest or require […]
Here is an interesting online discussion of some of the challenges and solutions that a group of professors shared. Note that the date is 1997, so texting, etc. is not […]
Note the key points found that promote accessibility in this 2010 study of website accessibility: – Inclusion of a “skip navigation” link – Keyboard-accessible links (no hover menus) – Accessible […]
Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems weighs in on the Open Textbook movement… Ping – In School Systems, Slow Progress for Open-Source Textbooks – NYTimes.com.
The ADA was signed in 1990, prior to the proliferation of the Internet. A proposed updating of the ADA Act may have implications for esp. public colleges. This is currently […]
There are some pretty superficial and breezy remarks in here, but if we are able to retain net neutrality, what Mr. Gates predicts may be more true than false. All […]
The iPad is being put to some real pilots this Fall. It will be interesting to see the outcomes. IPad Gets The University Treatment This Fall | Epicenter | Wired.com.