Green Team Video – Rough Edit

I would like to share a very rough edit of the Green Team video that I have been working on along with a few students.  So far, I’m pretty happy, but there’s more work to be done!

This video was shot mostly on cellphone using the DJI Osmo Mobile 3 that was borrowed from a faculty member here at BCC. The only video that wasn’t shot on cell phone, aside from the drone shots, is the interview with Chris Laney.  The results I think are quite good and it sounds like I will have a BCC owned Osmo Mobile 3 real soon for these types of video projects so that we won’t have to coordinate borrowing one.

The video is a rough edit for sure, nothing is finished essentially.  The titles aren’t done, someone even pointed out that “Water” is misspelled – thanks and oops!  We used royalty free music that was found by one of the students.  All the editing was done in iMovie, which has changed a bit since the last time I used it but it’s still a pretty great tool.  In the final version there will be more titles to explain what you are looking at and more data, such as numbers of solar panels and water bottles saved by the filling stations.

I’m thinking now that there will be 2 versions of this video.  We need to add some more content, ideas brought from the last Green Teem meeting which include more interviews, shots of a future Green Team meeting, mention of the new Leading By Example award won by BCC, and add some shots of an electric car, probably mine.  I’m not sure if we can get those shots and finish the editing before the Spring Semester Orientation, which is our goal for this.  That version will not have all the additional shots but a second version for mid-semester will.  So there will be a “Chris Laney only” version, and a version with more interviews and more voices.

I would love to hear feedback and suggestions!


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