So, I had this idea, sort of a shower thought.
I have so many technology-related projects going on at any given time, would there be any benefit for me to take notes to help organize them better? Would this new organization help an any way? Lets try this.
My goal here is to spend 15 minutes a day, every weekday, to write about what I’m working on and share any results or progress made with others. This blog will also serve as a record of the collection of work I’ve done.
To start, here’s just a small collection of what I’m currently working on:
- Drones
- Creating a BCC Drone Policy
- Finding uses for classes
- STEM Cafe’s and High School visits
- Virtual Reality
- Applications in Academia
- (Personal) Home exercise regimen
- Podcasts and Audio Recording
- Creating a BCC podcast
- Building a Knowledge Base
I hope to write in further detail about all of these topics and more going forward!