After my very first encounter with the pine grosbeak this past November in Windsor, MA, I found myself wanting to see them again. Given they are a northern species, we don’t always get a glimpse of these travelers with the exception of those occasional irruption years; of which Fall 2020 is one. I understand very little of their nature, other than that they appear to enjoy crab apples immensely. Pine grosbeaks have a fairly laid back disposition. These birds allow any would-be photographer to get surprisingly close to the bird. In fact, two of the grosbeaks came so close to me, I could no longer focus the camera. This gives rise to the subject for this Blog entry. “The Bird Selfie”.
If you look at the above image of the pine grosbeak, nothing spectacular, but the species is recognizable. However, there was something about the way the bird was looking at me that intrigued me just the same. peered closer. Soon, I saw an outline of a human form within the reflection from her eye.
I couldn’t resist so I magnified the image as far as it would go and sure enough, in this last image is clearly a reflection. The bird was feeding on the ground and a pretty close range; enough for me to photograph my own reflection from her eye. Below, feast your eyes upon “The Bird Selfie” (You have to click on the image of the eye in order to see me!) : )
In reality, perhaps the pine grosbeak was being a mirror, giving me the unique opportunity to see what she sees in reverse.
Sistren and Brethen photographers alike, I invite you to try the eye selfie technique on the species of your choice. Or rather, the species who chooses you. In my case, it was a bird, but it doesn’t have to be. I hope this becomes a thing.