1-Minute Meditation

Caleb Keels

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with stress from day to day and can’t seem to concentrate on getting things done, here’s a easy tip that can help. You can engage in a 1-minute meditation that will allow you to relax and be able to effectively accomplish your everyday tasks without the constant mental block of stress. It’s super easy and it doesn’t require any special skills or paraphernelia. Just you and 1-minute of your time.

Here’s how to begin:

1. Simply find a comfortable position for yourself. You can be either seated in a comfortable chair or a comfortable spot on the floor. And just allow your mind to focus on the present moment.

2. Begin to slowly inhale and exhale. You can close your eyes or keep them open.

3. Allow yourself to simply focus on the present moment.

4. As you inhale and exhale, allow yourself to consider these questions.

a. What are noticing right now? Is it the position of your feet on the floor? or your arms? your legs?

b. What do you hear? Is it the gentle pulse of your heart beating? the soft flow of your breath as you inhale and exhale? or the quiet stillness of the room?

c. What do you see?

d. What are you feeling?

4. Take the last 20 seconds to inhale and exhale.

By taking 1-minute of your time to just stop everything and allow your mind to simply run with the flow of the present moment, you’ll be able go about your day feeling relaxed and energized. I’ve practiced this technique everyday and it has helped me get through each day without feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I truly hope that you find this tip to be beneficial to you as well as relaxing.




How to Practice Mindfulness – Mindful. (2018). Retrieved 12 April 2020, from https://www.mindful.org/how-to-practice-mindfulness/



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