Stress can be good for us

By Michelle Levesque

We always think stress is bad for us. There are new findings that it can be good for us too. There are many ways we can change stress. One way is laughter, it can decrease levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. It increases that activation in the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system (Humor). We can change our outlook of bad stress by having a great laugh every day. We also feel stressful in our day to day activities. If we take care of ourselves we can change our quality of life and actually live longer. Here are a few things we can work on to change stress.

  1. Laughter is a great way to relieve stress. It is often overlooked.  Laughter can help lower blood pressure, It also can boost immune system. Laughter can help by altering your perspective on what is causing you distress. Remember the old saying Laughter is the best medicine well it’s very true (Adrenal Fatigue).

2. Sleep and stress is a real thing. You know when you lay in bed and your mind just goes over everything like how am I going to pay my bills? Why did I say that? I could of done that job better. Stress can ruin your sleep but you can change that. You can start by shutting your phone off before you go to bed. Make your room cool. Try to shut your tv off also. Trying these steps can help you sleep better (Sleep).

3. When you exercise it helps take your mind of your worries. Exercise also increases your endorphins and you start to feel better. Once you get off your butt and start exercising your mood will change and your stress will start to decrease (Heartline).

4. Feeling overwhelmed? Who isn’t. Asking for help is hard for some people. When we are overwhelmed our stress level goes up. If we just say to ourselves I need a little help maybe  our stress won’t be so bad. We should ask one person to help us at least once a week (Mayo).

5. Taking a vacation can help with your stress in a lot of ways. One is when your on vacation leave home at home. A good vacation can help us reconnect with  ourselves.. Spending time with our loved ones is a great stress relief. What are you waiting for go plan your vacation (Vacation)

Get enough sleep

Exercise regularly

Build a support network

Think positive

Take a vacation

Stress can still be bad for us but getting out of those stressful situations can help us. If you have stress brought on by your busy life doing stuff you love then you might be fine. You need to find meaning and embrace it. Your life depends on it.


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Brandon M Saveage, Heidi L. Lujan, Raghavendar R. Thippathi, and Stephen E. Dicarlo05 July 2017//







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