Students in the Schools

This week, several students had the opportunity to attend staff meetings for 21st Century (After School) Programming at their host sites (Conte Community School and Crosby Elementary School). These staff meetings afforded students the opportunity to meet other coordinators of after school programs and to network with the teachers with whom they will work beside.

Next week, there will be a Professional Day Training located at Conte on Tuesday, March 27th from 3:45 to 6:15 – this is a training for all individuals coordinating 21st Century (After School) Programming at local elementary schools. Students will receive training that will assist them in running their program. Additionally, learning outcomes and goals will be covered for the kids for whom they are providing programs.

One student indicated that these opportunities were invaluable to her professional development and education. She delighted in the fact that she would be a part of the culture – despite being a student in college.

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