Welcome back readers. It is Monday once again and we are still living in this new normal that leaves us confused and depleted. I hope that everyone was able to make sometime for self-care this weekend and recharge yourselves for another uncertain week. With this constant stress and anxiety in our lives many of us are experiencing issues with sleep. Sleep is incredibly important to our physical and mental health as we all know. However, many of us forget this and tend to not priorities sleep as high as we could. The lack of sleep can build over times and cause many negative affects such as lack of focus, change in mood and what is known as sleep deficient. Sleep deficient is the cumulative effect of not getting enough sleep over a extended period of time. This often leads to physical and mental fatigue which can cause other issues in our lives that brings us more stress. To avoid this during these anxious times, it is important to get an adequate amount of sleep and have a nightly routine to help calm you. This routine should include things that relax you and help you drift off.
Having a nightly routine before bed is a great way to improve your sleep.
We all worry, especially when we try to lay down to sleep. This often keeps us awake cycling through stressful thoughts that keep us from getting the precious slumber you need now more than ever. The video below gives some helpful tips on how to stop the worried thoughts and get some sleep.
We all are experience unprecedented changes in our lives on a daily basis in our lives. All of that is causing many of us to be more worried than usual and unable to sleep. Which males sense, we are all unsure what is next. Using the tips above will help you to calm you mind and build a better sleep routine which can reduce your over all stress and anxiety. Getting adequate sleep is also important for your body and helps keep your immune system healthy. With all the benefits that sleep has to offer we should all try to make it more of a priority in our lives, now more than ever.
I hope this video helps you learn new strategies or improve on existing ones you may have to help improve your sleep your during this time. I wish you all a wonderful day and hope you find some time to practice self-care and make a plan for your sleep routine. I will be back on Friday with more tips and videos to help you find your happy place!
Please remember to wash your hands, stay home if you can, practice social distancing and wear a mask to protect the most vulnerable among us.
I am writing this blog to be helpful to you all out there during this turbulent time and am looking for your feedback. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions and suggestions under the Contact Me tab at the top of the page. You can subscribe to this blog by clicking on the Subscribe button in the lower right corner. Just enter your email address and receive Self-Care Corner in your inbox every morning! Isn’t that wonderful?
In addition, you can now find Self-Care Corner on Twitter @selfcarecorners, where I will be posting daily affirmations and ways to cope with these changing times. I hope this will help others feel less alone, more relaxed and more empowered to practice self-care.