Welcome back readers. I hope that you were able to find sometime for quiet refection and self-care this weekend. Maybe you did that by taking a walk in the woods, meditating or taking time to read that book that’s been on the shelf for years. Whatever it was, I hope that it brought you positivity and happiness as well as it made you feel a sense of contentment. Taking time to care for ourselves can really recharge and help us deal more effectively with stressful situations, such as this current pandemic. Having skills to effectively cope with stress is important to our overall well being and they are skills you can start using today!
There are ways to cope with stress that are healthy and can help you build resilience to future stressors you may have.
An effective way to deal with stress and anxiety during these confusing times is to learn some coping skills to better manage the way you react to stressful situations. As we start another week of uncertainty we may be feeling a sense of fatigue with the social isolation and heightened anxiety of life leaving us stressed which can also lead us to feeling “burnt out.”
The videos below were sent to me by Kari Dupuis to share with you all in the hopes that they would help those who may be struggling to learn some effective ways to cope during these times. Local clinical psychologist, Nicole Harrington, PhD made a series of videos with helpful tools and advice on ways to manage your stress and anxiety during this turbulent time in our world. These videos focus on effective coping strategies that can help you find more stress relief and sense of calm in your life.
A key thing recommended in this second video is to not worry about sleep, which I feel many of us tend to do. Laying in bed staring at the clock or letting our minds run wild with worry. Dr. Harrington recommends to stop worrying about sleep to improve your sleep. Worrying can really take over our thoughts and cause us to have trouble with things like focus and sleep. Finding coping skills to help quiet your mind and stop the ruminating thoughts really can help you develop a better sleep routine that promotes more restful sleep. When you are well rested you tend to be more alert, focused and patient with yourself ad others. I hope that you find these coping skills helpful and give them a try during these stressful next couple of weeks. We all need to do our best to care for ourselves during this time and keep ourselves healthy both in body and mind.
Learning effective coping strategies is not only helpful during extremely stressful situations such as a pandemic, they are also good for our everyday stressors and anxieties. Taking time to find a few effective coping skills that work for you can be a great way to start caring for yourself in a positive way and building some resiliency to the stress we all experience in our daily lives. Were we all have different stressors and things that bring anxiety we can also learn new ways to effectively cope with them and improve our overall well-being.
Learning to effectively cope with stress can improve your mental and physical health.
I hope these videos help you learn new strategies or improve on existing ones you may have to help reduce your stress and anxiety as well as improving your mood during this time. I would like to thank Kari Dupuis again for sending these videos to be shared with you all. I hope you all have a wonderful day and find time to practice some self-care. I will be back later this week with more tips and videos to help you find your happy place!
Please remember to wash your hands, stay home if you can, practice social distancing and wear a mask to protect the most vulnerable among us.
I am writing this blog to be helpful to you all out there during this turbulent time and am looking for your feedback. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions and suggestions under the Contact Me tab at the top of the page. You can subscribe to this blog by clicking on the Subscribe button in the lower right corner. Just enter your email address and receive Self-Care Corner in your inbox every morning! Isn’t that wonderful?
In addition, you can now find Self-Care Corner on Twitter @selfcarecorners, where I will be posting daily affirmations and ways to cope with these changing times. I hope this will help others feel less alone, more relaxed and more empowered to practice self-care.