Happy Monday to you all! Let’s all take a moment to take a deep breath in and out. It is Monday and we find ourselves living in increasingly changing times. With things changing from moment to moment, we all need to do our part by staying home, washing hands and social distancing in accordance with CDC recommendations. I want to offer a great deal of gratitude to those of you who still have to go to work to keep the rest of us safe and taken care of in these anxious times. We thank you.
Some of us are stuck at home trying to protect the most vulnerable and flatten the curve. I personally am on Day #9 of self isolation and have been keeping busy while making sure to take time to meditate and practice lots of self-care. With so much information coming from all directions it feels like everyday brings just a bit more stress and anxiety. We are dealing with ways to work from home, keep the kids entertained or educated, and trying to stay healthy while still maintaining our sense of personal balance. A good way to do that is to start a meditation routine. It’s not as complicated as you may think and the video below helps to display some of the most common assumptions about meditation.
Meditation is a good way to clear your mind and find your inner peace.
So, now that we have displaced some of the common misconceptions about meditation, we can open our minds to learn some simple tips on how we can start to develop our own meditation routine to help reduce our stress and anxiety. We all will find things that will work for us that may not work for others and that’s okay. Take what works and go out and explore other meditation techniques, maybe they will be a better fit for you. Just don’t give up even if you feel you’re not “good at” mediation. No one starts something with mastery, we all have to try and grow in our experiences to get to that level. So just practice self-compassion and keep trying! I believe in you!
Below is a a great video for beginners or anyone who are looking to for a simple meditation that will help reduce stress and anxiety. Take a few minutes and give it a try and see if you don’t feel a bit more relaxed.
It’s simple and beneficial to your overall health.
Taking time to do a simple meditation practice everyday can really help during the coming days, as the cabin fever starts to set in and the level of stress increases. Taking a few minutes to find some quiet reflection and recharge yourself can make a big difference in your mood and emotional health. I personally take 10 mins of quiet time first thing in the morning to meditate, it makes me more positive and resilient to the stressors of the day. I hope that these videos help you start a mediation routine that works for you and brings you more peace, balance and positivity to your life. Please remember to wash your hands and practice social distancing to protect the most vulnerable among us. Feel free to leave a comment, question or suggestion under the Contact Me tab. You can also now subscribe by clicking on the Subscribe tab in the right hand corner. Hope to see you back here tomorrow for some more tips to help you find your happy place! Namaste.