After a long week of stressful changes and adjustments that have left many of us stuck at home, we all could use some physical activity. Who’s with me! There are many ways to get up and moving that don’t involve being around groups of people or even leaving our own homes. Sometimes the best solutions are the ones that are right in front of us and the tips below are simple ones anyone can try today. We all are aware that physical activity is important to our health and well-being, so let’s make sure we are getting up and moving around.
Get your body moving!
Some of us may be lucky to live in areas or neighborhoods where we can get outside for a walk or jog while maintaining a safe distance from others, in accordance with CDC recommendations of course. If this is the case, I recommend you get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Getting out in nature, even just out in your backyard on a sunny day can make a positive difference in your mood and maybe help to alleviate some of the extra stress we all seem to be feeling these days.
Maybe you are someone who prefers to workout at the gym or doesn’t live in an area that is conducive to such activities and with social distancing practices forcing gyms to close, you are left wondering how you will get the same workout. Many gyms have taken to the internet to help those who are left without availability to their daily workout routines. For example, Planet Fitness just started Free In-Home Workouts that stream live on their Facebook every weeknight at 7 pm starting on March 16th and continues for the next two weeks, and you don’t even have to be a member.
Left to endless hours of couch time to snack, we need to find new and creative ways to get in some exercise. People around the world have found creative ways to work out together and maintain a safe social distance.
Another way to get us up off the couch and moving is to dance. You don’t even need to know how; you can just turn on some music and start to move around. Let the rhythm be your guide and have fun! The internet has plenty of videos of celebs dancing with their families on social media, and YouTube has endless “how to” videos on any dance style. They are fun to watch, follow along or even create your own. So set up your phone and make a video of you and whoever you happen to be stuck in the house with dancing. If that’s not your thing, you can dance around by yourself while you sweep the kitchen or make the kids dinner. Either way my advice is get dancing! Any music and any style of dance just have fun! This will help you get some physical activity, make you smile and laugh helping to improve your mood overall.
Please let me know some of the creative ways you have found to stay physically active! Leave a comment!
We can all use a good laugh and some fun right now. Keeping physically active in our current lives may allow us to get more creative in the coming days and weeks on how we go about doing that. So, I would like to hear from you, please let me know some of the creative ways you have found to stay physically active in the days of social distancing and leave them in the Contact Me section. This is also where you can leave suggestions for me for future posts and leave your feedback about this site. I look forward to hearing the creative ways you have found to keep active while stuck at home during this time and remember to wash your hands and practice social distancing. Namaste.
I love this!