Hello again dear readers! Hope you are all staying healthy and are remembering to practice self-care whenever you can. These are very stressful times and we all could use a break, even if just for a few minutes. It is understandable that during these turbulent times you may feel a bit “off,” find it hard to sleep, or maybe even feel like we are walking around in a fog. It can be difficult to make time for yourself, especially during moments like these, if you are working from home or have children doing school from home online. However, taking that time can really help you manage these high levels of stress we are dealing with in these current times. It can help you find a little bit of calm in peace in an otherwise overwhelming world.
Try to stay focused on the current moment and the things you can control.
Below, I have posted a video from a segment on the news this morning and thought it was a great reminder that their are many others who are feeling the stress just you may be. The psychiatrist in the piece, Dr, Sue Varma gives some really effective suggestions for ways to reduce your stress and anxieties during these uncertain times.
Taking a few moments to bring yourself in the present moment and let your body and mind relax for a few minutes can have such appositive affect on your mood and your overall wellbeing. Below is a video I found that was posted in the past few days specifically for those of us who may be experiencing election stress in particular. However, it can be helpful in other situations as well when you find yourself anxious or feeling increased stress.
Whatever it is you decide to do make sure it is something that brings you peace and calm. Whether you take a few minutes to get out in nature, spend some time with your pets, do some mindfulness breathing, or some yoga, finding a few minutes of self-care in your day can really make a difference in your overall health. I do hope you all find some time to put your phone down or turn the television off and just be with yourself in this moment. Caring for yourself is the first step to being able to care for others.
Please remember to wear your mask, wash your hands and social distance.
I am writing this blog to be helpful to others during these turbulent times and am looking for your feedback. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions and suggestions under the Contact Me tab at the top of the page. You can subscribe to this blog by clicking on the Subscribe button in the lower right corner. Just enter your email address and receive Self-Care Corner updates in your inbox! Isn’t that wonderful? Till next time, I hope your days are filled with positivity and peace.