Prostitution: A Worldwide Business of Sexual Exploitation

Like Melissa Farley I can see how prostitution exploits women everywhere.  Some choose to work on the streets.  Mostly because the lack of education, unhealthy state of mind and severe financial issues (poverty).  These girls/women are using what they have to meet simple needs. Many who have low self-esteem can’t see themselves as achieving anything better in life. The men around them are a constant remember that they are useless and good for nothing.  If anyone’s been in a abusive relationship whether verbal or physical can understand this.  Men degrade and breakdown these types of girls/women to gain control and increase their status.  These are men that are insecure and mentally unstable in some way. This goes to the idea of abuse and prostitution because many girls now women can’t decipher between a bad or healthy relationship. Their insecurities and unclear emotions  are apparent towards the male figure.

As for the girls/women from other countries it’s truly sad they are taken by their will to perform sexual behaviors and provide manual labor. Many of them are young girls and forced to have multiple partners and perform degrading acts. They are overworked and enslaved with no means of leaving or receiving an money for such horrific services they are to provide. Men sell their wives and daughters because of financial burdens shows these men to lack empathy, love, commitment to these women that share a piece of his life.

Many say that women choose prostitution and in sometimes thats the case but think long and hard why people do the things they do.  Whether its morally or ethnically right or wrong people do things for certain reasons.  So the next time you think about doing something analyze exactly what you are doing and why and you may be surprised your reasoning behind it.  We all do things for a reason whether we realize it or not.


Many women and men are fixated on how they look and how people perceive them.  The physical appearance is the first thing we see when meeting someone and then follows conversation and their personality.  Looking a certain way is very important to people.  It ranges from the type of car you drive to the new “it” item your wearing this season.  Models are known to be thin especially runway models that have to be 10lbs thinner than commercial models.  Labels with can be a girls worst enemy. The idea of having two digits instead of one is subconsciously telling him/her to lose weight.  The smaller the number the better fit of the clothes and how much prettier he/she is.

Eating disorders are a growing concern many people at some point in their lives have had one whether they realized it or not.  Not eating for days, eating and then forcing themselves to get sick, hoarding food, using food as punishment are examples of a eating disorder even if your not a size 2.

Pressure from cultural backgrounds can play a role.  Having thin family members and expectations of how you should look.  They may see them living an unhealthy lifestyle and have little respect for someone who doesn’t take care of themselves.  Their actions and words can be demeaning and make the person feel even more insecure and develop low self-esteem.  With low self-esteem the person feels useless and tries to please everyone and including herself to any means.  Drastic measures may occur to make the person feel better about themselves and to prove to others they are worth something.