
Our growing population is off the charts. There are over 6 billion people on Earth today. Not just people either, there are plenty of other life forms that also arise here as well. As we continue to live in these tough times, we must realize that bringing another child into the world will only make our personal economy situation much worse. Bringing a baby in this world means more money to feed it, bath it, clothe it, etc. In America, we are educated on how to prevent pregnancies. We have condoms and birth control, the two main things that prevent pregnancy. However, there are people that just do not want to do this thus they suffer the consequence on having the baby, whether they wanted to or not. I completely agree with Smail that we have to find a way to lower our population rate. Earth is becoming crowded, and the fact that he states that Earth may only be able to support a global human population in the 2 to 3 billion range at a comfortable living really is alarming (pg 413). We need to stop this now or things are going to get out of hand. Times are now worse than ever, we need to do what is necessary to survive. We must cut down on population growth.

By Jeffrey V

Women and the birth of Sociology

The history of sociology’s theories is conventionally told as a history of white male agency, these are based on the contributions from the generation of male sociologists.  The claim that a group has been written out of history is different from the claim that  group has been invisible. What it means to be invisible is to be not seen. Being written out suggests that having once been seen as a presence in a community and then having been erased from its record. this happened due to the fact that I believe that women were not treated as equal to the men of sociology. Many of these women knew each other and the work that they had done. Many of them read Gilman’s book Women and Economics. Many of these women all tried to analyze the problem of race. Jane Addams, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Sophonisba Breckinridge, and Florence Kelley all were participants in the founding of the NAACP. These women knew that they were part of of larger movement, and history, to create a type of science of society and believed that they had their own sense of what that science is or should be. Women due vary in their opinions with many different sociological issues, but they do all agree that their intellect on sociology and their perspective was just as good as the men’s were. The only difference was that in the retelling of sociology, magically the women just disappeared.

By Jeffrey V