Prostitution topic

Melissa Farley discusses the issue of prostitution and how it has become a worldwide buisness of sexual exploitation. Many are in denial about how many people this effects from every culture. It has become a part of almost every country and is swept under the rug alot of the time. This involoves violent crimes against particulary women and children which is not always obvious to people. The factors that effect prostitution are sexism, racism, poverty and child abuse. Alot of women and children that are raised in a violent enviroment whether it be psychical, pshychological but mainly sexual abuse escape their home situations but often go to a pimp or a john to earn money by selling their bodies. There are many situations where a child or woman is forced into the sex trade buisness. Many people feel that this population gives consent to engage in thses sexual acts however is it really consent if they are forced or left without no other options? Children are easily controlled and influenced into this buisness and are raised not to know any different. When children are emotionally and sexually abused they often feel helpless and turn to prostitution later in life. This vulnerable population is often looked at as unequal due to their situations.

Trying to escape this sex trade buisness can be nearly impossible. Many of these people are trafficked into another country and are rbought far away from home. There is not alot of help out there to assist these people in escaping prostittion. They often need drug and alcohol detoxification/ rehabilitatation,  safe homeless shelters PTSD and Stress disorder therapy and lack of social services. Extreme phsycial violence and sexual abuse leads these women and children to feel completley controlled by a pimp. In alot of these cases they become very sick, due to sexual abuse and lack of healthcare services. I think that decriminlization of prostitution would out women and children at a greater risk for sexual, psyhical and emotional abuse.

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