Berkshire County Forecast-Tuesday, Jan. 21

The very cold and dry air associated with the arctic air mass moving southward is suppressing the attempts of the moisture associated with the storm system to our south from making much northward progress. Therefore, I am decreasing my snow accumulation forecast a bit from yesterday. It looks like there will be a sharp line to the northern extent of the snow shield with those to the north of that line receiving little if any snow. This line will likely set up somewhere between central and northern Berkshire. It still looks like snowfall totals will increase as one moves from northwest to southeast in the county with a dusting at most in Williamstown, to about 0.5″-1″ in Pittsfield,  1″ or so in Lee and 2-3″ in the extreme southeast (e.g. Otis, Sandisfield, New Marlborough). After that the forecast can be summed up with one word….COLD!