Sp 101 Voicethread Projects ~ Fall 2010

¡Hola a todos!

Below, you will find our first Voicethread Project. It is based on Actividad 17, in your Workbook (either in your textbook or online, at www.books.quia.com) . Once you have completed this Voicethread activity, you will have shown how well you have achieved your BATs (Be Able To’s) for chapter 1. The first slide shows you what the activity looks like; the second slide is a video of me (Profe) providing you an example of what you should be able to say in your own voicethread.

First, you will write out all the sentences you will learn and practice speaking. Second, you will email them to me or hand them in so I can correct them for you. You will learn the corrected version of your sentences.

You will have as many chances as you wish to record your Voicethread audio/video. You will see next to your name, once you have logged in, a little trash can icon. If you are not satisfied with your recording, you can “throw your recording in the trash” and start again!

If you do not yet have a webcam or a microphone on your own computer, use the computers in FRED. All have microphones installed.

To view this Voicethread to see what this first assignment is, click on the “Play” arrow in the middle of the screen, below. (Note: to actually record and submit your own work, scroll down to the voicethread links at which you will set up your voicethread account and then join either SPA 101.01 or SPA 101.02):

Note: To view the Voicethreads on the full screen of your computer, look in the upper right hand side of the Voicethread. You will see an “X” icon. To the left of it, there is a control button that will expand your screen. To return to the normal view of your Voicethread, press the “ESC” key on your computer (on the top left of your keyboard).

Note, too, that on some computers, voicethread videos do not play (the screen goes grey) on Mozilla Firefox. Should this happen, try to view the voicethread with Internet Explorer. I have had no trouble with videos on my Mac using Safari. Please post to this page any problems you are having with any of this technology. Sign your name, please!

To actually WORK with this voicethread and add your own audio and/or video, you must:

  • First, get your own voicethread account by subscribing at:
  • To join our Sp 101.01 group on voicethread, click on this link:
    Sp 101.01 Voicethread Group: http://voicethread.com/groups/subscribe/23308/693953bef/
  • To join our Sp 101.02 group on voicethread, click on this link:

Sp 101.02 Voicethread Group: http://voicethread.com/groups/subscribe/23310/034b0d432/


Click on the link, below, to receive an email invitation to join our Chapter 1 Voicethread. Once you arrive on this page, you will be able to record your own voicethread! ¡Diviértanse! (Have fun with it!):

Click here to record your Chapter 1 Voicethread !! 🙂

Here is the Chapter 2 Voicethread assignment:

Click on the “Comment” bar on the voicethread, above. You will see “buttons” for recording options: microphone or webcam. You know what do to from there… (If not, contact me!)

Remember: Click on the “Comment” bar on the voicethread, above. You will see “buttons” for recording options: microphone or webcam. You know what do to from there… (If not, contact me!)

Click me to download a .pdf file of the text slides of this voicethread.

Remember: You must post your voicethread by Friday, November 11th.

Need help? Contact Profe!


Final Voicethread:

Click me to see this voicethread in the full screen version at voicethread.com.

Click me to download the PowerPoint file for this voicethread.

Remember: You must post your Voicethread by Thursday, December 23rd, no later than 5pm.

I would be happy to help you edit your script! Contact me!

¿Qué es un Voicethread? ¿Cómo crear un Voicethread?

What’s a “voicethread”? How do you create a “voicethread”?
See, below, a PowerPoint presentation on how you can set up your Voicethread account so you can author Voicethread discussions on topics that interest you and participate in those created by your instructor and your classmates. If you have questions on how to do this, contact “Profe” or Emily “Palomita” Ruel or April Tarbox.
View more presentations or Upload your own.
Check out the following to learn about some of the things you can do with a voicethread!

…And you can do “video-doodling” and you can record your own comments! Cool! ¡Chevere!

El Día de las madres

Esta presentación es de Michael “Jota Jota” Van Deusen.  JJ  diseño esta presentación para los alumnos de la clase de SPA 101 ~ Fall 2010.  Hizo muchas investigaciones útiles.  Puedes utilizar esta presentación para aprender mucho sobre las costumbres y actitudes en el mundo hispano sobre la persona de la madre en la familia.  ¿La familia hispana te parece muy diferente de la tuya?  ¿Cómo?  Vamos a discutirlo juntos en la clase.

You can download  this presentation by clicking on the link, below:

Van Deusen-Día de las madres para VT-10.13.10

SPA 101 ~ Voicethread Project #2 ~ Updated.

Your SPA 101 Voicethread Project #2 has been updated.  Click on this link to access the updated Voicethread #2 Project:


Did you know you can record your voicethread directly from that page on the blog?  Click on “Comment” to make your recording choices (audio or video recording) appear.

Let Profe know how you’re doing… If you have not already had your voicethread script corrected, send your script to Profe as soon as possible, and she will provide you with corrections.  Learn your corrected script and record it onto this voicethread page.

Remember:  No reading your script!  You can refer to a list of palabras claves (key words) to help you remember what you wanted to say…

Remember, too:  You can record your voicethread as many times as you wish…until you are satisfied with your recording.  Recording and re-recording is terrific practice, as well!

Keep in touch; ask for help if you need it!

Profe      😎