Presentación PowerPoint para ayudarte a aprender las preposiciones en español…

Aquí está una presentación que te ayudará a practicar y a aprender las preposiciones en español. Patrick “Maximiliano” Meunier la ha diseñado (designed it)… ¡Es fantástica!  (Puedes verla también en la Caja de juguetes del capítulo 6 en la pestaña “SPA 102” en el Wikiblog del Programa de español…

SPA 201 ~ Enlaces para la guía del examen final y para la lista de elementos requistos para tu blog

Haz clic en este enlace para obtener una lista de todos los elementos requisitos (y opcionales) para tu blog…

Click on ME to download a copy of the Blog Checklist for 201!

(Este enlace se encuentra, también, en la pestaña (tab):  “Los blogs de nuestros estudiantes”.)



Haz clic en este enlace para obtener una copia de la guía para prepararte para el examen final:

¡ Haz CLIC aquí !
(Este enlace se encuentra en la pestaña de “Apuntes de Profe”.  La contraseña (password) de esta página es:  burrito lindo.)

Caja de juguetes (Toybox) para el capítulo 5…

The chapter 5 “toybox” presentations have been published!

Check them out before you take the chapter five test!

Here is the wonderful presentation on reflexive verbs authored by Patrick Meunier:

April Tarbox’s latest PowerPoint creation to help you learn is on the vocabulary for the family (capítulo 5 ~ vocabulario útil 1). I think the vocabulary for in-laws and step-parents is particularly challenging! This is a very strong tool to help you get it all straight.

Click on this link to download this PowerPoint >>La Familia ~ Capítulo 5 ~ Vocabulario útil

Tammy Beet created this PowerPoint to help you learn the vocabulary of chapter 5. It is gorgeous! It is fun! It is effective!

SPA 101 ~ Capítulo 4 “Caja de juguetes” is up on the blog… Now, go PLAY! … (and learn!)

Here are all the presentations available for Capítulo 4 !!

Here is the link:  SPA 101 ~ Caja de juguetes ~ Capítulo 4

Here is the PowerPoint presentation we used in class while studying chapter four. Use it to help you prepare for the chapter test!

You can also download it, below:

Click on ME to download Profe’s PowerPoint for Chapter Four!

April Tarbox has designed three excellent presentations: two on the vocabulary of the Internet, one colors. You will find them very helpful as you prepare for your chapter four test!

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s Internet/Technology Presentation!

Here is April Tarbox’s terrific second presentation on Computadoras…

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s Second presentation on Computadoras!

Here is April Tarbox’s presentation to help you learn colors:

Click on ME to download April Tarbox’s presentation on Colores!

Tamara Beet has created a wonderful PowerPoint presentation to help you learn vocabulary for emotions, technology and functions of the Internet.

Click on ME to download: Vocabulario del capítulo 4 ~ Tamara BeetTarbox-Ch4-Vocab

SPA 101 ~ Pasaportes y… ¡ *FIESTA* !

Download this document by clicking>>>Hoja con los temas de investigaciones culturales ~ Pasaportes ~ *FIESTA*
First: Research the six cultural topics from the list in the document for your own Segunda vida country.

Second:  Post this research in ENGLISH on your blog by November 16th, 5pm.

Third: Choose three countries from among those your classmates have chosen for their Segunda vida projects.

Fourth: Start learning the information they researched and posted on their blogs.  Have that information learned by November 21 (SPA 101.01) or November 22 (SPA 101.02).  We’ll have our Pasaportes activity on those days, in class.

Fifth: Create a passport for your own country.  Ask Profe to show you samples from previous years.

Sixth:  ¡¡ FIESTA !! …on 11/21 or 11/22    🙂

Investigaciones culturales ~ Pasaportes ~ ¡*FIESTA*!

Day of the Dead Buffet Luncheon ~ Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Come to the "Día de los muertos" lunch in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 1!

Have a photo of taken of you and your classmates at the Day of the Dead Buffet Luncheon in the cafeteria. Email your photos to Profe to get bonus points in your Spanish class!

Bring an item that reminds you of someone you have loved who has passed away and place it on the Día de los muertos altar that you’ll find in the cafeteria. 

Come with   F R I E N D S !

Learn more about El Día de los muertos at this link:

Telling Time ~ Timed Practice

Use this presentation to help you gain fluency in telling time. These slides are TIMEDAt first, you will think to yourself:  “Wow!  This is going really fast!  I’ll never be able to recognize the hour and remember how to say it in Spanish at this speed…!”  But, YES YOU CAN!  YES YOU WILL!  Use these slides to get you there… 😎

Timed Practice for Telling Time in Spanish

GUSTAR y Verbos -AR en el presente del indicativo

Aquí está una presentación de GREG ALEXANDER que te ayudará (will help you) a aprender cómo usar el verbo GUSTAR y los verbos que terminan por -AR.  Es una presentación muy útil… :-

Haz clic aquí para descargar (download) esta presentación a tu computadora >>>GUSTAR y VERBOS -AR (en el presente del indicativo)

SPA 101 ~ Voicethread Project #2 ~ Draft of script due Friday, October 14th, 5pm… Read on for details…!

You can view the  SPA 101 Voicethread assignment for chapter 2 on your “MyVoice” tab at   Click on this link to access the updated Voicethread #2 Project:

Here is the assignment.

Important: You must go to or to the Voicethread tab for SPA 101 on our Spanish Program Wikiblog to view my comments and my audio/video samples.  There is a special surprise on my Voicethread presentation.  Don’t miss seeing it!  😎

Scroll down until you see Voicethread Project #2 for Chapter 2:

Want to see how other SPA 101 students have done on this assignment?  Check out the Voicethread for Chapter 2 that last year’s SPA 101 students created at:

Did you know you can record your voicethread directly from that Voicethread page for SPA 101, right on the blog?  Click on “Comment” to make your recording choices (audio or video recording) appear.

Let Profe know how you’re doing… If you have not already had your voicethread script corrected, send your script to Profe as soon as possible, and she will provide you with corrections.  Learn your corrected script and record it onto this voicethread page.

Remember:  No reading your script!  You can refer to a list of palabras claves (key words) to help you remember what you wanted to say…

Profe will be randomly calling on students in class to reproduce some or all of their script in class… So, please DO memorize your scripts!  😎

Remember, too:  You can record your voicethread as many times as you wish…until you are satisfied with your recording.  Recording and re-recording is terrific practice, as well!  And, recording multiple times will help your remember your script!

Keep in touch; ask for help if you need it!

Profe      😎


SPA 201 ~ Repaso: mandatos, pretérito, imperfecto ~ 9.9.11

Utiliza esta presentación para ayudarte a repasar los mandatos, el pretérito y el imperfecto. 

Haz clic para descargar (download) esta presentación PowerPoint para el repaso sobre los mandatos, el pretérito y el imperfecto del 9 de septiembre de 2011:

>>>Haz clic aquí: Sp 201-Repaso-Mandatos, Pretérito, Imperfecto-9.9.11


Mandatos para la clase de español ~ Commands for Spanish Class

 Use this PowerPoint presentation to help you learn vocabulary for common commands (mandatos) you will be using in every Spanish class!  

Remember:  The best way to learn is to get into the habit of SPEAKING SPANISH as much as you can!  Don’t worry about making mistakes; we ALL have to make mistakes in order to learn…  🙂

Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 8

Aquí tienes la presentación de mis apuntes para el capítulo 8.  Si tienes preguntas, escríbeme un correo electrónico.

Si quieres bajarlo (download) a tu computadora, haz clic sobre este enlace >>>¡Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 8!

Si quieres ver la presentación en una pantalla más grande, haz clic en este enlace >>> apuntes de profe del capítulo 8

IMPORTANTE: When you have viewed/used this presentation, leave a comment in the reply window, below.

You will earn one homework point for posting; two for using four elements of vocabulary or grammar from the presentation correctly; three points for six elements used correctly; five points for eight or more correctly used elements of vocabulary or grammar.

¡OJO! Students who post comments like “Profe, es una presentación muy útil” will receive NO extra credit.  Use this as an opportunity to study and practice what you’ve learned…and to SHOW IT ALL OFF!  🙂

If you’ve accessed this page from “BCC Breaking News and Posts,” click on the title of this post (“Apuntes de Profe…”), above, to take you to the window that does have a reply window.

Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 7

Aquí tienes la presentación de mis apuntes para el capítulo 7.  Si tienes preguntas, escríbeme un correo electrónico.

Si quieres bajarlo (download) a tu computadora, haz clic sobre este enlace >>>¡Apuntes de Profe para el capítulo 7!

Si quieres ver la presentación en una pantalla más grande, haz clic en este enlace >>>Apuntes de profe para el capítulo 7

IMPORTANTE: When you have viewed/used this presentation, leave a comment in the reply window, below.

You will earn one homework point for posting; two for using four elements of vocabulary or grammar from the presentation correctly; three points for six elements used correctly; five points for eight or more correctly used elements of vocabulary or grammar.

If you’ve accessed this page from “BCC Breaking News and Posts,” click on the title of this post (“Apuntes de Profe…”), above, to take you to the window that does have a reply window.