Tod Houghtlin (History)

Office:  Melville Hall, M219.

Email Address:

Office Phone: (413) 236-4695

Tod currently teaches U.S. History at BCC on Tuesday evenings; he has taught Western Civilization at BCC in the past.  Tod grew up in Evanston, Illinois, where he attended a large public high school- there were a thousand kids in his graduating class.  Tod received a B.A. from Amherst (where he was mentored by Bruce Morgan and John Petropoulos)  and holds two graduate degrees from Yale (where he was mentored by Sidney Ahlstrom and Edmund Morgan). He moved to New Lebanon in 2007 after spending most of his professional life in New York City.

Tod is most appreciative of the significant student  diversity at BCC.  He also finds that every individual class session is quite different from the preceeding one, in part because of this diversity.  All of this makes for a stimulating teaching environment. At the moment, his major intellectual interests are Constitutional Law, Religion(s) in America and Ethnic Studies.

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